Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Problem when installing MagicMirror on Raspbian Buster RPB3+
Hey, thanks for you answers !
Sdetweil I tried your installer. When I reboot the Raspberry, magic mirror start but it’s coming back to the rasbian desktop few seconds later. I uploaded what happens on youtube :
Buzzkc, what do you mean with “Sam’s installer” ? Sdetweil installer ?
@thomaslc my name is Sam (i have that as my signature)
i watched your video… very weird…
open a terminal window , ctrl-alt-T, and then do
pm2 status,
pm2 logs
u will have to ctrl-c to end that
pm2 stop 0,
pm2 start 0it LOOKS like pm2 starts WHILE still booting… I haven’t seen that on any of my systems…
It tells me that the command is not found :
@thomaslc during the install, it should have asked you if you wanted pm2 to be used to start the mirror app…
@thomaslc easiest thing to do is rename the MagicMirror folder to
in linux the rename command is mv
then run my installer again
for the url to use -
I swear I said yes for the pm2 lol. Oke Im gonna reinstall !
Same problem :(
@thomaslc are u doing this over vpn or ssh?
i use ssh, and then the display on my real machine shows the MagicMirror UI, while the ssh session is still active…
@sdetweil said in Problem when installing MagicMirror on Raspbian Buster RPB3+:
are u doing this over vpn or ssh?
Nop without vpn or ssh, last fresh rasbian os and directly connected to my box with rj45 ethernet
@thomaslc also, the output says pm2 started MM and it is running , before u typed in your command…
can u send me the ~/install.log
same userid as here on gmail…