Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Which Editor do you get for windows
Ok, because now i have Problem with copy and Paste with notepad ++. Which Settings do you have in notepad under options? Can you Post it please?
When i User Herr in the Forum Post me a Script like this Here:
{ module: ‘MMM-Tankerkoenig’, header: ‘Super (E10)’, position: ‘top_right’, config: { updateInterval: 600, maxWidth: “300px”,// die angegeben 200px verursachen unschöne Zeilenumbrüche api_key: “Xxxxx”, lat: 49.398750, // das sind die Koordinaten von Heidelberg/Mitte, siehe lng: 8.672434, type: “e10”, // alternativ “e5” oder “diesel” radius: 1, // Suche in 1km Umkreis (in 5km Umkreis passt die Liste nicht mehr auf den Bildschirm) } },
And i Paste this code in my config, and restart the mirror a Text is Commonwealth on screen with config file and no mirror.
Best regards
Is this right with the ˋ´ behause in someone configs you Can See ““ between tankerkönig
I think the error might be caused by’
. Those are not allowed as quotation marks of javascript language.module: ‘MMM-Tankerkoenig’,
should be
module: 'MMM-Tankerkoenig',
Others are same.
You can find&replace in yournotepad++
@kusselin sorry, I do not understand…
cut/paste is builtin and not special.
as per Sean’s post, those appear to be quotes from MS word type documents,.
MagicMirror needs text quotes, " and ’ -
@sdetweil: you Wrote that magic mirror Need " …Sean Said i Must take ’
What is now right? Sorry For my questions
@kusselin either will work, as long as both ends of the quote use the same type
this is ok
"testing" 'testing'
this is not
Ah ok i Unterstand.
Ok the this is Not ok right:
{ module: ‘MMM-Tankerkoenig’, header: ‘Super (E10)’, position: ‘top_right’, config: { updateInterval: 600, maxWidth: “300px”,// die angegeben 200px verursachen unschöne Zeilenumbrüche api_key: “xxxxxxx”, lat: 49.506240, // das sind die Koordinaten von Heidelberg/Mitte, siehe lng: 8.656140, type: “e10”, // alternativ “e5” oder “diesel” radius: 1, // Suche in 1km Umkreis (in 5km Umkreis passt die Liste nicht mehr auf den Bildschirm) } },
It Must be " or ’ … right?
@kusselin correct, like this using using
" or '
(note that these do not lean in any direction and do not have little tails)
’ this one leans to the right
{ module: 'MMM-Tankerkoenig', header: 'Super (E10)', position: 'top_right', config: { updateInterval: 600, maxWidth: "300px",// die angegeben 200px verursachen unschöne Zeilenumbrüche api_key: "xxxxxxxx", lat: 49.506240, // das sind die Koordinaten von Heidelberg/Mitte, siehe lng: 8.656140, type: "e10", // alternativ "e5" oder "diesel" radius: 1, // Suche in 1km Umkreis (in 5km Umkreis passt die Liste nicht mehr auf den Bildschirm) } },
Ok thanks… Can you please Cancel the api key thanks
Ok and when i copy it than is the String Not straight on… Rather Little tails