Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
4 inch RPi LCD displaying MM not working
@sdetweil in the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson - Doh! I’ll have to give this a try later this evening. Is there any reason the GUI version will work and the lite won’t with the small LCD?
@aecandroid u MUST HAVE the gui version for electron to run, or chromium
@sdetweil Right, so before I get ahead of myself and balls it up again. I have just installed Raspbian Buster Full 2020-02-13 image and going through the initial setup on my Pi Zero W. Should I do the Waveshare drivers for the 4 inch LCD first and then do the MM scripts on your github? Or should I run your scripts first, configure my MM, then do the Waveshare driver?
@aecandroid i would get the hardware working first
@sdetweil SOLVED!!!
Thank you everyone for your support. It seems that in the end, it was down to using Raspbian Lite. After downloading the full build and following the instructions on your github, were all sorted. Well… almost, I’ve got some sizing to play around with and still need to load my custom .css and .js but that shouldn’t be an issue at all. Thanks again for all your help, especially @sdetweil
@aecandroid awesome!!.. glad u got it going and the feedback…
@sdetweil I did as you suggested and installed the waveshare drivers after loading the desktop the first time, plus a little raspi-config action.
Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.