Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Working Google-Assistant on Raspbian Buster and 4b
@MilkShake : after if you want AMk2 with a built-in activator, you can try AMk2 addons with snowboy
Personnaly, with my mirror, i use this AMk2 addons: governor, pir, snowboy, screen, briefToday, A2D and internet
- all addons are linked, and it use AMk2 micConfig for snowboy ;)
- A2D: display your photos, weblink found by your mirror
(in dev : display youtube video and sync with screen addons, will be released very soon ! )
Weblink sample:
Youtube sample:
@Bugsounet That seems like a good way to go! I’m mostly just after the voice activation for the Assistant, but I’ll go with anything that works. So would the process be:
- Install MMM-AssistantMk2 from
- Install MMM-AssistantMk2 Plugins embedded with addons.js from
Thanks for all the help guys!
I think I got MMM-AssistantMk2 and Bugsounet’s installed successfully! Used the same credentials.json file as I used in the other Assistant setup and tested with node auth_and_test.js.It’s can become quite confusing with all these modules and addons. Can anyone elaborate on what is needed configuration wise, to allow for voice activation of AssistantMk2.
I guess addons need to be activated for Assistant and HotWord needs a configuration of sorts. I will have a look at this later.
MilkShake -
@MilkShake I tried editing my config.js with the following:
{ module: "MMM-Hotword", position: "top_left", config: { recipes: ["with-AMk2v3_smart-mirror.js"], } }, { module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "top_left", config: { assistantConfig: { latitude: 55.749842, longitude: 12.497128, }, recipes: [ "with-MMM-Hotword.js" ], addons: true, }, },
But it crashes my MagicMirror. If I remove “addons: true,” the mirror starts and the two top_left positions are empty.
hi, i have a lot of time … [#StayInHome #COVID19]
so i can help you to configure from begining- what addons do you want to use ?
- AMk2 don’t show icon by default, just because default interface is like Google Nest
so i will be showing only when activating by hotkey
@Bugsounet Hi. Thanks a bunch. Something good from the virus, hurray!
So the mirror functions with a PIR sensor installed in the frame. It hangs where there is a lot of traffic, so a hand gesture along side the frame activates the screen using DPMS -> DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force on (only way I could get the screen to turn on again was with DPMS). No movement and the mirror turns on again in x time.
So what I would like to accomplish is, when the screen is activated, it should start listening for a google assistant hotword.
Would that be Hotword and PIR? Depending on how Assistant2Display works, that could be interesting as well, but for now, I just want to get it working.
actually, i can’t do this (not coded)
I have coded this:
- wake up screen with voice (when calling assistant)
- delay turn off screen if mirror is not used
- if used pir detector : wake up the screen
- if used snowboy or MMM-Hotword and pi sensor : keyword activator is turn off when not used and need pir sensor to wake up
you can do that what addon ;)
You can emit HOTWORD_PAUSE and HOTWORD_RESUME notification when you need if your PIR module could emit these notifications. Or to translate different notifications through MMM-NotificationTrigger. -
- if used snowboy or MMM-Hotword and pi sensor : keyword activator is turn off when not used and need pir sensor to wake up
you can do that what addon ;)
Does the keyword activator (I guess that is the code listening for a keyword?) pay a toll on the electrical bill and thus, you would like to turn it off?
Isn’t the snowboy/HotWord, PIR sensor and governor combo a means of achieving that?
@Sean So the python script that wakes up my screen along with the PIR, could potentially also emit a HOTWORD_RESUME and HOTWORD_PAUSE to the assistant along with executing a shellscript for turning on/off the screen. That sounds like the right way to go, but I have no clue how to do that and not enough time to figure it out :)