Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-AlexaControl or MMM-AlexaOn/Off setup
@sdetweil yeah both devices are on same wireless network
@dave_ i deleted a device and then used the alexa app to discover ‘other’ type devices and it found the one i deleted and added it back
@sdetweil i did the same thing just now with my smart plug and it worked through the alexa app so there’s something wrong with the module or my raspberry pi
@dave_ w a real plug?
@sdetweil just a smart socket or plug
@dave_ yeh, but not a belkin wemo plug, which is what the module emulates
@dave_ try changing the startPort to like 13000 or 15000
@sdetweil ohh na the mirror still isn’t working for some reason as in the module I’m on the verge of giving up now!
@dave_ hm. it has worked on 8 different systems now for me. pi 3 & 4, odroid, Jetson nano, gallium os on my Chromebook, Ubuntu on my desktop, and on my Mac.
@sdetweil alright could you send me your config?