Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-CalendarExt2 not showing up
I have already searched the other posts regarding this topic, but no solution worked for me. The calendar is a Nextcloud calendar, hence the ?export part.
The module is simply not showing up and I can’t find the error.
The config is:
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt2", config: { calendars: [ { name: "PrivateCalendar", url: "https://<usernam>:<password>@<hostname>/remote.php/dav/calendars/<username>/privatecalendar?export", }, ], views: [ { mode: "daily", locale: "de-DE", position: "top_right", calendars: ["PrivateCalendar"], }, ], scenes: [ { name: "DEFAULT", views: [], }, ], }, },
@codac Let’s eliminate the obvious.
Change your URL to this:
It should result in a daily event “test” for a half hour.
If it does not work, reboot your pi and try again.
If it does, please check your calendar app for a specific “ICS” export. Some sites use both a web export, and a ICS export. the web export is good for google and outlook, but not us.
I am also new to MM, but here are the fields that are missing on yours compared to mine. I am not sure which is required and which is optional.
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt2", config: { rotateInterval: 1000*60, calendars: [ { name: "PrivateCalendar", className: "privatecalendar", url: "https://<usernam>:<password>@<hostname>/remote.php/dav/calendars/<username>/privatecalendar?export", }, ], views: [ { name: "VIEW1", mode: "daily", locale: "de-DE", position: "top_right", calendars: ["PrivateCalendar"], slotCount: 4, }, ], scenes: [ { name: "DEFAULT", views:["VIEW1"], }, ], }, },