Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@tippon I have actually tried just that When I first installed it and use that exact same number along with the coordinates that onewhethermap suggested but since I upgraded to the newer version. The newer version doesn’t use that anymore. Not to say I can’t add it
I actually change the retrieval time from 10 to 20 so far it seems to be working. I’m getting anywhere between 1° and 2° off which I can accept that even the professionals who give us the weather are sometimes off by 1° and 2° from different stations. So keep your fingers crossed that that will be consistent throughout today.
Thanks for your suggestion though, since I’m new on here. I’m open to any kind of suggestion
@ray Try just using the location ID and see if it’s more accurate. I’m pretty sure I had problems when I tried to use both.
You can comment out the coordinate lines by putting // in front of them, so you don’t have to delete and retype them :)
@tippon okay, that’s an idea. I didn’t think about. I will give it a try and let you know
So I think I found the problem, but don’t know how to fix it. It’s been off as much as 3 to 4°. According to other reliable weather like local news. when I restart Magic mirror it is now only one degrees off so I’m not quite experienced enough yet, but I think it has something to do with retrieval data or I think they call it, call for data which I sent back to 10 minutes
If I didn’t explain that right. I apologize. I’m still learning
@tippon unfortunately, I have the newer version so location ID is no longer there just coordinate
@ray said in oneweathermap:
@tippon unfortunately, I have the newer version so location ID is no longer there just coordinate
I’ve got the up to date version too. You can put the locationID in yourself. This is the config for one of my weather modules, with my personal data removed:
{ module: 'weather', position: 'top_right', config: { weatherProvider: 'openweathermap', type: 'current', apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", locationID: 1234567 } },
As you can see, I’ve removed the coordinates lines and added in the locationID line instead.
You can use the options from the documentation here to change the config to suit your needs:
@tippon well, that’s interesting. So I tried your method and it Just keeps saying loading, which it never did. I verified my location ID just to make sure it was correct and it was.
What I’m finding out is when I use my current setting. When it reaches 70 or 80°. It starts losing accuracy as much as 5°
anything below those temperatures. The accuracy is between 1 and 2°
also, just to let you know I’m running this on Lennix mint
if I can get it to be constant 1 or 2° difference. I would be perfectly happy with that -
@ray I’m really sorry, I’ve got things wrong.
I’m not sure why, but I thought you meant that you were using the Open Weather Map configuration for the default weather module, which is what I’m doing. At least that explains why our experiences don’t match up.
Sorry :confounded_face:
@tippon no problem. I actually just caught that a few hours ago and I’ve been trying to figure out how to fix it.
According to oneweathermap with my current settings. The temperature is correct 97, but where I’m currently at it is 102
what’s funny about it is when you look at the map on their website. My area is not listed so I don’t know where it’s getting it’s coordinates from and no matter what coordinates I use it always comes up with the same temperature that oneweathermap wants to use so I’m I was actually getting ready to send you a message letting you know that I was no longer using the default whether
I’m new at all this so I’m learning as I’m going
so I hope everyone is patient with me. I even got a another message going about GmailAnyway, I appreciate all your help and I’m always looking for suggestions