Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
adding new modules the old one doesn't work
@rebecca please explain more… an example would help
@sdetweil so when I installing the new magic mirror modules (e. mmm-widget) my old modules (e. mmm-spotify) doesn’t work. so i try to uninstall the new modules hoping the old one still work but it doesn’t work at all. can someone tell me how to fix it ? so that when I installing a new module, the other modules still work.
@rebecca never had that problem.
can u look at the console where u start mm,
either by using npm start or pm2.
if pm2, then the pm2 logs --lines=100 would show the info.also open the developers window, ctrl-shift-i on the mirror keyboard, and select the tab labeled console and scroll up to see any errors usually red text
There is no any errors when i run dev mode
@rebecca need the tab labeled console
you are showing the elements tab