Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall - Alexa voice control to hide/show modules and display text/images
@savage_gr1nd you can setup AlexaPi to run automatically after reboot
@Journeytojah @zman3 see whether this thread helps you. -
@joanaz nice. I’ll look at switching over after work.
You need to work on the YouTube functions lol -
I tried all that last time you posted it with the exeption of process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR=‘/var/task/config’;
@joanaz been there, tried it… nothing worked…
@zman3 no, that’s not the point, he uses the config library, we don’t. They mentioned some good points, such as “OSX makes node_modules readable only by the user so AWS cannot read it”, so you need to check the permission of your node_modules folder. And also make sure the node_modules inside the zip file is not empty.
@Journeytojah don’t sudo anything in this git. I made that mistake also.
@savage_gr1nd will try, i can imagine i had done that without realizing…
I like the response time of alexa, and would love to get this integrated, but like i said with less talking and more text.
Will try again some time and update…
I’m just revisiting this project as i was getting nowhere. I think i am now even more confused. Can someone tell me ‘where’ the certs folder needs copying to? Is it into the MagicMirror folder or is it somewhere else??
Thanks anyone :)
@Gunwoody I gave up on it too. The git is not user friendly and there’s no step by step guide. Pit that together and I’ll come back.