Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic Mirror on Rancher
@wmsmckay no, inside the container it’s port 80
the mapping is done outside, nat translation
the app inside doesn’t knowapp configured to port 80
docker does nat and exposes that on the docker host as 8075 (-p 8075:80)this is exactly the same as if u wanted your mm on a pi, exposed to the internet
8080 on pi, router says map requests from 8075 on internet to port 8080 on the pi.pi doesn’t know
@sdetweil Right. I have that port mapped but when I navigate to host:8075, I just get an error.
In my logs it says
Ready to go! Please point your browser to:
But going to there is nothing there.
@wmsmckay but mm needs to be set to port 80, right? that’s what the docker setup does, right?
@wmsmckay you should be able to docker inspect xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the container id to get the container IP address. typically 172. something.
then u can use browser on docker host to the container IP and the mm port.
that proves the container config is right for the mm config
then you can check the host port, localhost:8075, and the inspect will show u the port mapping definition. should show what is in the compose file
then u can go to another machine
I have been using this docker image and setup to create the container, which works.
this docker image is not maintained anymore, meanwhile the image build fails so the image is old without containing security fixes. Also this image does not contain the latest mm version v2.16.0.
I deployed a service running the Magic Mirror image from that on port 8075.
can you show us this service?
kubectl get service <service-name> -o yaml
I wrote a helm chart for running mm in k8s, you find it here.