Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Three module issues from a new user
I managed to get unique icons for each calendar, through trial and error with font awesome. Not all “free” fonts are supported, I think “brands” aren’t.
Do you know, if I can set icons that I’ve stored locally? There are a lot on the noun project that would be excellent :). -
@vildhjelm said in Three module issues from a new user:
Do you know, if I can set icons that I’ve stored locally?
i do not know myself, but I would think you could
<img icon="68" src="/img/emoji/U263a.ico" alt=":-)" />
the base for MM web server is MagicMirror, so
replace {} with the appropriate name, if any
@vildhjelm where u able to get this working?
Hi all, was working on the same thing.
Some icons I wanted to use are in brands, and can’t figure out how to invoke it properly. Tried adding imports in fontawesome.css for it, but no go. Anyone know how/why brands wont work? They are considered free use.
@skyfall I do not KNOW for sure… maybe they have to be downloaded separately?
see the last few posts here on getting separate fonts usable after download
@sdetweil I don’t think so, I’ve been looking into it and it is included in all.min.css; that’s where the other ones get imported from. Maybe we’re not invoking it properly since the FA 4->6 upgrade that happened in January?
maybe all you have to do is npm install the right stuff in the vendor folder
"dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^6.1.1",
and this is in the vendor/css/font-awesome.css
@import url(“…/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css”);
@import url("…/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/v4-shims.min.these files are in the folder
sam@sams:~/MagicMirror/vendor/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css$ ls
all.css fontawesome.min.css svg-with-js.css v4-shims.min.css
all.min.css regular.css svg-with-js.min.css v5-font-face.css
brands.css regular.min.css v4-font-face.css v5-font-face.min.css
brands.min.css solid.css v4-font-face.min.css
fontawesome.css solid.min.css v4-shims.cssi looked up one of the items listed in brands, .fa-apple-pay
in all.css… and its there -
@sdetweil I think we’re on to something here. I’m embarassed but I did notice my dependencies were out of date. I was running FA 5.13.3. Reinstalled and reverified and now running 6.1.1. However, when invoking ‘canadian-maple-leaf’ for example, it’s now showing a broken icon symbol versus nothing!
I did also notice it isn’t loading the .woff2 file for the brands fonts, even though it is in the correct directory.
I’ve figured it out!
Like the original post, I’m working with Calendar module. I wanted to understand why we could write, say symbol: “cloud” instead of having to declare the full “fas fa-fw fa-cloud” to invoke the symbol.
I went into /modules/default/calendar/calendar.js and noticed the following section of code:
const symbols = this.symbolsForEvent(event); symbols.forEach((s, index) => { const symbol = document.createElement("span"); symbol.className = "fas fa-fw fa-" + s; if (index > 0) { = "5px"; } symbolWrapper.appendChild(symbol); }); eventWrapper.appendChild(symbolWrapper); } else if (this.config.timeFormat === "dateheaders") { const blankCell = document.createElement("td"); blankCell.innerHTML = " "; eventWrapper.appendChild(blankCell); }
calendar.js is hardcoding the fas (solid) font family in, not allowing us to invoke a family like fab (brands). setting the line:
symbol.className = "fas fa-fw fa-" + s;
to just:
symbol.className = s;
forces us to redeclare every symbol in config.js from “cloud” to “fas fa-fw fa-cloud”, but we can now access all available FA icons.
And so, I get my leaf :)
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@skyfall awesome