Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Graph module
@planet4 if you want to see Grafana’s charts without login\password, you should turn on anonymous access.
Edit /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
[auth.anonymous] enabled = true org_name = FeedParakeet org_role = Viewer
Then you should go to Grafana’s GUI - Profile settings and set the “Name” field equal to the “org_name” value.
Your graphs will be visible to anyone. But it wil be impossible to change anything without loging in.
I think there is even a better way. You can share each panel individually. -
@SvenSommer wow, it works even easier, thanks
Ok, Almost there. The gauge shows perfect on my mirror. Influx and Grafana is setup. I get the data from this sensor.
However I still get the grey/brown background on the mirror. Tried to set it to transperant and also modified the css files as described in a post before here. It is just not black. Any smart ideas?
@planet4 I’m glad to hear, everything worked out as expected.
If you want to do me a favor. Please let others know in the module teaser thread, you were able to use the module. So maybe other lose their fear. ;)
I had a look at changing the background color by inverting the colors of the “white” theme. Didn’t worked out, cause it’s no real white neither.