Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
kolbyjack / MMM-Wallpaper & Synology
I love this app. I use it in my one board (I did not put a mirror but I use it as a dashboard). I am also owner of Synology, and using my pictures from a Synology album sounds like a very good idea.
As Synology Moments was replaced with Synology Photos in DSM version 7.2, the code for using Synology Moments does not work anymore. I asked the creator a while ago but he no longer has a Synology.
With my limited programming knowledge I tried to see if I could make it work, with no luck. I tested this information from the two links below, with no luck. wanted to post it here in case there’s someone interested in fixing/updating the code
For now, my only option is to download the pictures in the Rapsberry pi.
Thank you
@luisestrada looks like you could mount a Synology share on your pi to access the photos
@sdetweil The idea would be to access a Synology Photos album and read the photos from that album, so there’s no file duplications or avoiding storing pictures in multiple places
@luisestrada I understand, using a file share and reading the data to display is exactly the same as reading thru an(other) API to display.
I do this, but don’t ‘copy’ the images
here the normal file system reads the image to display, instead of special code that uses a private API.
Google drive vs GooglePhotos
in addition, current systems provide 'link’ing ability. I use this w MMM-ImagesPhotos which only supports readingfromthe ‘uploads’ folder in the module folder. I link that to the mounted samba file server share. the module does not know the files are coming from a file server somewhere.