Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@pat59 ok. it tells u the problem and how to work around it. did u do that?
@sdetweil Hello and thank you for your feedback.
no nothing do I can not understand what I have to do sorry thank you -
: Error: The provided keyfile does not define a valid redirect URI. There must be at least one redirect URI defined, and this sample assumes it redirects to ‘http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback’. Please edit your keyfile, and add a ‘redirect_uris’ section. For example: “redirect_uris”: [ “http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback” ]
the keyfile is the thing u downloaded from google
yes, I did download a file that I renamed credential.js and placed in the googlePhotos module of the magicmirror.
that’s good what you’re talking about thank you -
@pat59 did u edit the file and add the missing info?
if u do not understand the English text, translate it into your native language
no, I haven’t changed anything. Simply downloaded client ID and client secret code then placed in the googlephotos module.
I will try to find by searching and come back to you if I do not find I thank you in advance thank you my friend -
I understand that it is necessary to modify the credential.js key by adding redirect_uris but I do not see where the site is.
{“installed”:{“client_id”:“”,“project_id”:“magicmirror-376414”,“auth_uri”:“ /auth”,“token_uri”:“",“auth_provider_x509_cert_url”:“”,“client_secret”:"GOCSPX -nqP06oYf_sZqPBlPJEw_hceNZhy2”}} -
@pat59 yes, YOU have to add it along side the others
or go back to Google and add it there and download again
Good morning
ok I will look at this during the day, I would say thank you again for your patience.
thank you my friend -
Good morning .
does the location of the https://localhost redirect uri have a specific place in the API key, thank you