Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
absolute date in calendar module
Is it a big task to change so that it displays weekdays for the current week and then dates when the event is further away?
So lets say it is Wednesday. The calendar would then display it like:
Event Today
Event Thursday
Event Saturday
Event Sunday
Event Oct 9
Event Oct 11
…Edit: Can see that the urgency option takes x amount of days. Would be nice if the urgency function returns the days(Monday, Tuesday…) in stead of the amount of days away.
E’ possibile impostare un simbolo diverso da un altro a secondo dell’evento?In caso la risposta fosse SI potreste dirmi come dovrei fare ?Grazie.
Is it possible to set a different symbol from another according to the event? If the answer was YES could you tell me how I should do it? Thanks.
Come si fa a mettere un simbolo diverso per ogni giorno della settimana?Grazie.
How do you put a different symbol for each day of the week? Thanks.
You must use:
timeFormat: ‘absolute’,
getRelative: 0,
urgency: 0,
in the config.js -
@pablo_z said in absolute date in calendar module:
You must use:
timeFormat: ‘absolute’,
getRelative: 0,
urgency: 0,
in the config.jsI wanted the same, to have just dates of events shown. This helped me, thanks.