Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@danningson ok, and NOW does facereco work?
@sdetweil sorry, I should have included that in my response. No sadley I get no recognition or even an unknown face. The items with classes do not show, which is correct but it is as if the cammera is not seeing anything but I know it works.
@sdetweil I came up with the briliant ide a to reboot the pi and now the (python-facereco) is gone as well. and yes, still no reaction from the camera
@danningson you need to add the venv setup to the ~/.bashrc
so it’s always set when a script is run
@sdetweil It works!! Thank you for all your help! although i am back to nat having the (python-facereco) anymore it works and recgonizes both my wife and myself.
Thanks for your time and and expertise on this. -
@danningson awesome