Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Calendar not loading after update to 2.26
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm run install-mm > magicmirror@2.26.0 install-mm > npm install --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier --only=prod --omit=dev npm WARN config only Use `--omit=dev` to omit dev dependencies from the install. > magicmirror@2.26.0 postinstall > npm run install-vendor && npm run install-fonts && echo "MagicMirror² installation finished successfully! > " > magicmirror@2.26.0 install-vendor > echo "Installing vendor files ... > " && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier Installing vendor files ... up to date in 2s > magicmirror@2.26.0 install-fonts > echo "Installing fonts ... > " && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier Installing fonts ... up to date in 9s MagicMirror² installation finished successfully! > magicmirror@2.26.0 prepare > [ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky install || echo no husky installed. no husky installed. up to date in 33s
I changed to fetchInterval to 1 minute:
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm start > magicmirror@2.26.0 start > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js [02.01.2024 22:52.55.268] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.26.0 [02.01.2024 22:52.55.289] [LOG] Loading config ... [02.01.2024 22:52.55.296] [DEBUG] config template file not exists, no envsubst [02.01.2024 22:52.55.305] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [02.01.2024 22:52.55.308] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert. [02.01.2024 22:52.55.369] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [02.01.2024 22:52.55.370] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification [02.01.2024 22:52.55.373] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [02.01.2024 22:52.55.698] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [02.01.2024 22:52.55.700] [LOG] Module helper loaded: calendar [02.01.2024 22:52.55.703] [LOG] No helper found for module: compliments. [02.01.2024 22:52.55.705] [LOG] No helper found for module: weather. [02.01.2024 22:52.55.944] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [02.01.2024 22:52.55.945] [LOG] Module helper loaded: newsfeed [02.01.2024 22:52.55.946] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [02.01.2024 22:52.55.965] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [02.01.2024 22:52.56.423] [LOG] Server started ... [02.01.2024 22:52.56.426] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification [02.01.2024 22:52.56.429] [LOG] Starting module helper: updatenotification [02.01.2024 22:52.56.431] [LOG] Connecting socket for: calendar [02.01.2024 22:52.56.433] [LOG] Starting node helper for: calendar [02.01.2024 22:52.56.434] [LOG] Connecting socket for: newsfeed [02.01.2024 22:52.56.436] [LOG] Starting node helper for: newsfeed [02.01.2024 22:52.56.438] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [02.01.2024 22:52.56.466] [LOG] Launching application. [02.01.2024 22:53.00.880] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url:*****/basic.ics - Interval: 60000 [02.01.2024 22:53.01.212] [LOG] Create new newsfetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 [02.01.2024 22:53.01.230] [LOG] Create new newsfetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 [02.01.2024 22:53.01.240] [INFO] updatenotification: Updater Class Loaded! [02.01.2024 22:53.01.242] [INFO] updatenotification: Checking PM2 using... [02.01.2024 22:53.01.246] [INFO] Checking git for module: MagicMirror [02.01.2024 22:53.05.311] [INFO] updatenotification: You are not using pm2 [02.01.2024 22:53.05.398] [INFO] Newsfeed-Fetcher: Broadcasting 30 items. [02.01.2024 22:53.05.608] [INFO] Newsfeed-Fetcher: reloadInterval set to ttl=900000 for url [02.01.2024 22:53.06.250] [INFO] Newsfeed-Fetcher: Broadcasting 50 items. [02.01.2024 22:56.58.233] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 241 events from*****/basic.ics. Warning: vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers! Warning: vkCreateInstance failed with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER at CheckVkSuccessImpl (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/VulkanError.cpp:88) at CreateVkInstance (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:458) at Initialize (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:344) at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:266) at operator() (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:521) [02.01.2024 23:01.53.895] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 241 events from*****/basic.ics. [02.01.2024 23:01.54.614] [INFO] Newsfeed-Fetcher: Broadcasting 30 items.
Indeed, it says 241 events were found, but I meant that despite that the mirror shows “Loading…” in the calendar module.
@avano said in Calendar not loading after update to 2.26:
Indeed, it says 241 events were found, but I meant that despite that the mirror shows “Loading…” in the calendar module.
fun times…
can you open the developers window, ctrl-shift-i on the MM screen (on pi or remote browser if you have that configured)
select the console tab, and put calendar in the filter field to see if there are any errors shown on the browser side
@sdetweil I’ll give this a try in the morning, but thanks a lot for the help!
@sdetweil, I checked the browser log. At first, I saw errors about not finding the custom.css.
So I created one from the sample css file. Now I only see the remaining issue.
Any idea? Should I consider a fresh install instead?
@avano its a noise error… if the file doesn’t exist, then its an error when trying to load it, its hard coded in the MM shell web page…
just create it and the error will go away
touch ~/MagicMirror/css/custom.css
if u had used my script to install, I would have done that for you
also many people don’t know how to create a file, …
so I tell them to add styles there and the file is missing and they don’t know what to do
@avano ok, no crashes in the browser side…
@avano can u show the cal config, just xxx out the url
@sdetweil, do you mean from the config.js? If so, it is in the first post of this thread.
@avano said in Calendar not loading after update to 2.26:
limitDays: 30, maximumEntries: 15, wrapEvents: true, hidePrivate: true
can u comment these out , add // in front
@avano alomao try this
cd ~/MagicMirror npm install electron@28.1.1