Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
"npm run start" does not work. Returns "sh 1 ./node_modules/.bin/electron not found"
@sdetweil I am using the Raspberry pi OS 64 (recommended) on a Raspberry pi 4 model B. Using a micro SD and Raspberry pi imager to flash the SD card.
@tony-72 well, what a mess
the full (recommended) 64bit image for me boots to a Busybox prompt, tried 3 times w the rasp imager and another …
SO, had to do the other 64 bit image (not full)
then I had sd card problems… (I was working on my pi4 behind the 7 in touch screen which crashed the other day after a power failure… ) that sd card is trash
so I used another… SO slow… (sd card toast)
so I used ANOTHER… finally…
but apt has some problem so reflashed AGAINthis time it installed correctly…
BUT… I didnt see the problems you meantioned at all
I appreciate all the hard work and assistance. So I believe it is working now. So I rebooted the Raspi and when it came up it showed there were updates. I allowed those updates to install. I then went into terminal and sudo update/sudo upgrade. After that, your script worked as advertised.
Now I did not get through it all until this morning and have not been able to launch it again. I do know the pm2 works because it kept restarting MM every few seconds when I was trying to shut down the Raspi. I will mess with it tonight after i figure out how to disable the autostart. I believe it was “pm2 stop mm” or “pm2 stop MagicMirror”.
@tony-72 pm2’s job is to keep the app running, so if it crashes pm2 restarts
pm2 stop all
pm2 logs --lines=50
to look at the logs
i strongly suggest stopping pm2 use while you install and test modules
use npm start in the MagicMirror folder, ctrl-c to end, or ctrl-q on the browser
this way you can see the messages from npm start easier
Awesome and thanks, everything working as advertised at the moment. About to attempt my first module install and config. Question, is there a text editor installed with your script? I was trying to figure out how to get VScode installed and where to install it, then realized there may be one on here already. What do you suggest, I have zero coding experience but I understand the concept and know a little from studying Cybersecurity.
@tony-72 nano is the built in text editor, its text only
vscode goes in system folders, has nothing to do with MM
you could try my MMM-Config module which generates a form for config… see this the first link in my sig below for installing modules… (I didn’t write it)