Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Weather module does not load
@canlio weather is done all in browser, so open the developer window, ctrl-shift-i, select the console tab, put weath in the filter field.
openweather has changed their business model, the apikey is backed by a credit card
@sdetweil thanks a lot for your reply!
I can see in the console log:
Status code: 404 not found
When I call the URL with my browser I get
{"cod":"404","message":"Method not supported"}
So, I see that the weather module does not call “2.5” per default, as written in the documentation, but it’s the 3.0 API being called, where the construct of the URL won’t help. So, I’ll addapiVersion:"2.5",
to my configuration of the weather module!
Once changed, it worked out!
Thanks a lot for that hint! I spent about 6 hours of my day on this without applying troubeshooting 101 by not looking in the browser console log … -
@canlio cool, but, its not supposed to work. they told us publicly 2.5 was supposed to stop working in October… hmmmm
@sdetweil that’s really weird, as I have proof it’s working.
@sdetweil is work here with 2.5 and not 3.0 om my MM to 2.29.0
@Assassins for 3.0 you must get a new apikey which requires a credit card
@sdetweil bit why pair for 3.0, when 2.5 work, and free ???
@Assassins because they have said they are turning off 2.5
the first 1000 calls per day are not charged on 3.0, currently -
@sdetweil as long as it keeps working with 2.5, I’ll keep it. Once it won’t work, I’ll subscribe for 3.0.
@canlio ty for this post and updates how you fixed it. Had same problems, did same workaround and, atleas for now, its working