Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Version 2.30.0 Calendar fix for clipping broadcast events
@sdetweil I changed the Ext3 parameter to refreshInterval: “3601000”, and it still looks the same. Do I need to let it sit for an hour to refresh?
@angeliKITTYx I don’t know… I suggested trying shorter (quick) to prove the cals arrived…
@sdetweil I’m confused then…i was just using the values you provided. Do I need to go back to my refresh of 1.75min? Do I keep the fetch value at 5000?
@angeliKITTYx dang forum… they removed the * I fixed the post
3*60*100 3 minutes, * 60 seconds * 1000 ms
@sdetweil I put the refresh interval back down to 100500, and the calendar refreshed. The 3rd calendar showed back up, but they’re all displaying at 5AM and going into the following day even though everything is an “all day” event in my Google calendar. It looks the same as the screenshot I shared earlier.
@angeliKITTYx sounds like your system timezone is incorrect
everything is based off the timezone -
@sdetweil how do I change the timezone in MM? This issue only came up once I did the fix clipping commands on this thread. And what about all the calendars that aren’t showing?
I also just noticed my weather module stopped working too.
@angeliKITTYx timezone, from desktop, click the calendar top right
change timezone under calendari don’t know in ext3 cals, not my module… but I use multi cals with it every day and don’t see this
ext3 is done all in browser
so maybe open the developer window (ctrl-shift-i) and select the console tab
and out a unique part of the module name in the filter field, ext3 for this -
@sdetweil my raspberry pi desktop has the correct timezone, my Google calendars are all set right, and the clock module is showing the right time. Would ext3 have a different time zone set?
i do not knowfor debug purposes
edit config.js and add
to the logLevel parms at the top
stop (if using pm2, pm2 stop all)
and MANUALLY start MM like this
cd ~/MagicMirror npm start >somefile.txt 2>&1
wait til some time, and then ctrl-c on the command prompt where u did the manual start
edit the config.js back to remove the debug parm
the file will be large with all the calendars being processed
you can’t upload that here, and I would normally ask to email it to me.
I don’t know if email will take that large a file… you can try… my same userid as here at gmailbecause the FULL urls of the calendars are shown in the log, I don’t want that posted in clear text anywhere…
I suggest uploading somewhere and emailing or direct message me the url
I did extensive work on the calendar to fix these problems on this release.
so I am very interested in the problemyou can look thru the file, its just text and you will see the timezone reported as it processes calendar events.