Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Getting LED Strip on in conjunction with MMM-Pir
@sdetweil Yes, sounds like a brillant idea.
But if I assign a value to this.config.ScreenStatus within the trigerPayloadFilter section the fire section isn’t working - so your thought is great but I cannot try this …Any idea why the fire section is skipped?
THANKS for your effort!!
Ralf -
@rkorell well, skipped…
because the code it looking for a literal, and the function is not…
the NotificationsTrigger module will have to be changed -
@sdetweil O.K.,
if I have to change modules, I can do this at the “root” - which is the MMM-Pir …
I will at least have a closer look to the MMM-Notification module - maybe a good starting point to develop a completely new (forked) module…Thanks for your engagement anyway!
Warm regards,
Ralf -
@rkorell ok, its a tiny change to Trigger module…
@sdetweil from your perspective :-)
Just had a deeper look into code and I didn’t understand that much…