Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
anyone know how to get googlemapsv3 displayed in nodejs?
json parse didn’t work.
I try to use the dependeties already in magicmirror like request.
Can i do it only with request? Anyone knows this?
The only thing i learned was MS frontpage on school. So i am really n00b in this…var NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); var request = require('request'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function () { }, geturl: function (api_url) { request({url: api_url, method: 'GET'}, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { console.log(body); // Show the HTML for the Google homepage. var maps = JSON.parse(body); self.sendSocketNotification('GET_MAPS', {'maps':maps, 'url':api_url}); } }); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { // console.log(notification); if (notification === 'SEND_URL') { this.geturl(payload); } } });
Update using the soccer module as base (but still no succes):
Trafficmaps.js:Module.register("trafficmaps",{ defaults: { api_key: "", mapoptions: { center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644}, zoom: 13 } }, start: function() {"Starting module: " +; this.initmap = this.config.mapoptions; this.sendSocketNotification('GET_DATA', {initMap: this.initmap, api_key: this.config.api_key}); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload){ if(notification === 'DATA'){ this.maps = payload; this.updateDom(); } }, getStyles: function() { return ["trafficmaps.css"]; }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(this.maps){ var map = document.createElement("div"); map.classList.add("map"); wrapper.appendChild(map); } else { wrapper.innerHTML = "No data available"; } return wrapper; } });
var request = require('request'); var NodeHelper = require("node_helper"); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { console.log("Starting module: " +; }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "GET_DATA") { var options = {}; if(payload.api_key){ options = { url: "" + payload.api_key + "&callback=" + payload.initMap + "", }; } else { options = { url: "" + payload.initMap + "" }; } this.getData(options); } }, getData: function(options) { request(options, (error, response, body) => { if (response.statusCode === 200) { this.sendSocketNotification("DATA", JSON.parse(body)); } else { console.log("Error "+response.statusCode) } }); } });
I guess i really need async and defer for this… but i have no idea what i am doing…
Reading your posts and your code, there are two things that stand out for me, one is that you are really trying, you want to figure it out, and you are doing everything you can think of to make things work. That is something I look for in any and all of the kids I teach in school: the desire to want to try and figure things out and not just memorize the book and regurgitate it back up later. The other side of that is that as hard as you are trying, you are struggling with it and a lot of it is because there seems to be a lack of understanding how the underlying code works and in some cases, even the simple fundamentals of JavaScript.
While looking at other people’s code is certainly a possibility, for what you are trying to do, that isn’t working so well. You have unfortunately also picked a harder to implement system than many others. My recommendation is to start with something simple first, try to understand how the system works, how a module gets integrated into the core system, how a module works on its own, how does it communicate with the outside world if it needs to. I recommend reading the module development page and work through that. Start small.
I’m not here to discourage you from what you are attempting to do, it is certainly possible to do what you want, but at the same time I also want to try and guide you, rather than just telling you ‘this is wrong’, ‘do that’, etc., etc. No one learns from that.
In your post you mentioned both wanting the maps integration, and also voice control. Those are two completely different systems, and require completely different controls. Do things one at a time. Either do the voice control part first, and get that working (you don’t need the ‘maps’ feature for this). You can always come back later and add to it. Or, do the maps integration first, and get that working the way you want it to. Integrating a button is by far the easiest way to have some kind of interaction between the mirror and the user. A simple button push can do something, like for example, display an alert message. So get that working, push button, alert message pops up (‘Hi, you pushed my button!’). Again, you can always change it later to say, trigger the display of a map. Whichever you do first, just pick one and get it working, and get it working correctly and have it stable, not just ‘it works sometimes’ …
Small steps, one at a time, together they form a bigger achievement. You can do it.
Woow nice writing! Thnx for the motivating words :) i’ll keep trying to make things work.
Just as an example, while I don’t necessarily know yet what I want to do with buttons, I still wanted to integrate one with my mirror. And I don’t particularly like to use a tactile toggle or momentary switch (although I still might later), so instead I opted to use a touch sensor and get that working. So what does it do right now? It started with it simply displaying random messages whenever touched:
messages: [ "That tickles!", "Stop that!", "Was it as good for you as it was for me?", "Stop touching me!", "HEY!", "Did that feel good?", "Are you having fun yet?", "Don't forget to wash your finger later ...", "Must you keep touching me?", "Can't a Sensor get some rest around here?", "I need touch pad sanitizer.", "Are you done yet?", ]
(yes, I realize those are kinda funny)
Then I reconfigured it so that when touched, it fades away all the modules so I end up with nothing being displayed, and when I want things back, I just touch it again.
The next step was reconfiguring it so that it triggered the HDMI output and turn it off or on, however I quickly abandoned that because my monitor, when it loses the HDMI signal, will turn to a bright blue background instead of going black. And since it doesn’t support HDMI CEC commands, I’m stuck. I reverted back to turning off the modules instead.
My point here is, that this was a slow and calculated build up of that specific part: the touch sensor:
- Connect it and see if it responds how I expect it to
- Get it to do something, display a random message
- Reconfigure it to turn off all the modules
- Reconfigure it to power down HDMI - oh, that works but produces an undesirable result, go back to #3
Now that I have that figured out, I can focus on something else that may or may not incorporate the touch sensor. I made sure the sensor works first, and it works as expected, no fuss, no errors, nothing.
Hi do you have a Homepage or Tutorial where I can learn and train to programming?
Yea the buttons would be nice to switch between maps.But the thing is i can’t even display a map of the JS api of google:
There is also an static map api from google that just display’s an image of the map. This should be easier to push to a module. But i want the traffic functionallity that only is possible in the JS api…
I don’t know if the google JS api allows to get requests from a node module.
(my first 3 pages of google are already purple ^^)
@shgmongohh, I do not. However, Google is your friend. W3Schools is another.
@tyho, there is a huge difference on how you use the Google Maps API to display a map in a browser, compared to how it needs to be done within the core module system of MagicMirror. MagicMirror isn’t simply a browser that displays HTML or JS … it processes the information fed to it, and that information needs to be in a very specific format to be processed successfully. This is why my recommendation to you was to try and understand the core system first, before you try to integrate something as complex as any of the Google APIs, not just the maps one.
in basics i untherstand the concept of node.js. It’s not like a website where you can load a page from a server. node js is basicly the server that creates and push the website when requested.
I will have to learn some more i guess ^^ I always want to go the fast way :P