Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Phone Notifications
Ive been trying to add this module but everytime i run cd phone_notification it just says no such file or directory. help please!
@jew_lion go for MMM-PushBulletNotifications.
Same features, but perfectly working. ;)
@Cr4z33 Thank you so much, I’ll give that a go
@Cr4z33 Worked like a charm! Thanks!
@jew_lion happy to hear that. :)
I have installed this module, but it looks like it doesn’t work correctly.
I have copied the code and changed the parts i needed to change.
But when I start the mirror it gives an error code.
it’s saying that “–header” is incorrect.
But I have checked a few websites and all of them are saying i need it.
What’s wrong with my code?{ module: 'phone_notification', position: 'bottom_left', header: 'Phone Notifications', config: { accessToken: 'o.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', numberOfNotifications: 5, displayNotificationIcon: true, displayMessage: true, displayCount: false, alert: false, fade: true, maxCharacters: 50, useEncryption: false, key: { password: "SuperSecretPassword123", ident: curl --header 'Access-Token: o.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \, } } },
Pushbullet isn’t available in my country …
Is there perhaps any other alternatives ?Thanks !
@Morganga huh what do you mean with ‘not available’?