Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!
@erycken bummer, u need keyboard access to the MM screen to do the ctrl-shift-i…
you could restart the mm in dev mode to do the same thing, but u will need keyboard access to select the console tab
@sdetweil Well… i just did the updates and it has given me a black screen… I think I may be able to get around the keyboard thing once I get back up and running!
Ok so my mirror is completely messed up since the update (might be partially my fault though I have no idea) so I am going to try and rebuild my mirror from scratch over the next few days…
I’ll update you all on if the rebuild helps the error I am currently experiencing or if it is still present. Thanks… -
Completely remade my mirror (without doing updates this time) and still getting the loading issue… Just a little FYI.
@sdetweil I did as you suggested and I didn’t see anything stand out to me other than this :
can u scroll back up in the debug log, to the top…
and alsominimize the mirror screen, alt-spacebar, n
to be able to see the console windowi just installed 2.4.1 on my new pi… and its working fine…
@sdetweil Here is the log. I did the update and it just black screened twice despite following all the instructions. Other people seem to be experiencing it still so I am gonna wait until its resolved before I update.
Anyway log below with a screen capture of the on screen issue.
Initializing MagicMirror. translator.js:197 Loading core translation file: translations/en.json translator.js:219 Loading core translation fallback file: translations/en.json loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Remote-Control//MMM-Remote-Control.js module.js:469 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Remote-Control' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.2.2 module.js:471 Version is ok! module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Remote-Control/remote-control.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert//alert.js module.js:477 Module registered: alert loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: alert loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/classie.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/modernizr.custom.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/notificationFx.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: alert loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/alert/ns-default.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: alert translator.js:170 alert - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: alert loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-RPI-LED//MMM-RPI-LED.js module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-RPI-LED loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-RPI-LED loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-RPI-LED/shared/enums.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-RPI-LED loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-RPI-LED loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-RPI-LED loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/clock//clock.js module.js:477 Module registered: clock loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: clock loader.js:182 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js loader.js:182 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: clock loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/clock/clock_styles.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: clock loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: clock loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/calendar//calendar.js module.js:477 Module registered: calendar loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: calendar loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: calendar loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/calendar/calendar.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: vendor/node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: calendar loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: calendar loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/currentweather//currentweather.js module.js:477 Module registered: currentweather loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: currentweather loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: currentweather loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: vendor/node_modules/weathericons/css/weather-icons.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/currentweather/currentweather.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: currentweather loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: currentweather loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/weatherforecast//weatherforecast.js module.js:477 Module registered: weatherforecast loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: weatherforecast loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:237 File already loaded: weather-icons.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/weatherforecast/weatherforecast.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries//MMM-MyTraktSeries.js module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-MyTraktSeries loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-MyTraktSeries loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries/MMM-MyTraktSeries.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries translator.js:170 MMM-MyTraktSeries - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-CalendarExt//MMM-CalendarExt.js module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-CalendarExt loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-CalendarExt loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-CalendarExt/Configs.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-CalendarExt/Render.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-CalendarExt loader.js:237 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-CalendarExt/custom.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-CalendarExt/preset.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-CalendarExt loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-CalendarExt loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: css/custom.css MMM-Remote-Control.js:21 Starting module: MMM-Remote-Control alert.js:151 Starting module: alert clock.js:40 Starting module: clock calendar.js:67 Starting module: calendar currentweather.js:94 Starting module: currentweather weatherforecast.js:90 Starting module: weatherforecast MMM-MyTraktSeries.js:22 Starting module: MMM-MyTraktSeries main.js:422 All modules started! module.js:156 MMM-RPI-LED received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:156 clock received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:156 calendar received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:156 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:156 MMM-RPI-LED received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED module.js:156 clock received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED module.js:156 calendar received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED module.js:156 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_READY from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_READY from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_READY from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_READY from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_READY from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. module.js:198 weatherforecast is suspended. module.js:205 currentweather is resumed. MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALENDAR_EVENTS from sender: calendar module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALENDAR_EVENTS from sender: calendar module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CALENDAR_EVENTS from sender: calendar module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALENDAR_EVENTS from sender: calendar Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) weatherforecast.js:263 weatherforecast: Your AppID does not support long term forecasts. Switching to fallback endpoint. MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt MMM-Remote-Control.js:36MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154MMM-RPI-LED received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154clock received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154calendar received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:154MMM-MyTraktSeries received a module notification: CALEXT_SAYS_CALENDAR_MODIFIED from sender: MMM-CalendarExt module.js:205 weatherforecast is resumed.
@erycken said in Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!:
loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries//MMM-MyTraktSeries.js
module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js
loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries/MMM-MyTraktSeries.css
loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
translator.js:170 MMM-MyTraktSeries - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json
loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
MMM-MyTraktSeries.js:22 Starting module: MMM-MyTraktSeries
main.js:422 All modules started!
module.js:156 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED
module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweatherso, from the log, your module is loaded and running…
so, what do you do to present info? how does your module respond to the getDom() method call?
that is how it provides data to be displayed…