Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall installation issue
I still get lamda error. could you please add your whole index.js and MirrorMirror.js file? just delete your key. So I can see how its all together.
then I can repack the zip and upload to lamda and try it again
Here it is
'use strict'; /** * A Lambda function for handling Alexa Skill MirrorMirrorOnTheWall requests. * * Examples: * One-shot model: * User: "Alexa On The Wall, find Snow White." * Alexa: "Yes my Queen, showing images of Snow White." */ const Alexa = require('alexa-sdk'); /** * App ID for the skill * * replace with your app ID */ const appId = "amzn1.ask.skill.XXXXXXXXXX-48bd-9b1c-3d309a950fcf"; const MirrorMirror = require('./MirrorMirror'); MirrorMirror.setup(); const Keys = require("./certs/keys.json"); const GoogleImages = require('google-images'); var googleImages = new GoogleImages(Keys.cse.ID, Keys.cse.API_key); const YouTube = require('youtube-node'); var youTube = new YouTube(); youTube.setKey(; exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { let alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context); alexa.appId = appId; // To enable string internationalization (i18n) features, set a resources object. alexa.resources = languageStrings; alexa.registerHandlers(handlers); alexa.execute(); }; var languageStrings = { "en-US": { "translation": { "WELCOME_MESSAGE": "Hello my Queen, what can I do for you? ", "WELCOME_REPROMPT": "I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like 'say you are the fairest of them all' or 'find Snow White'. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like 'open compliments', or 'close weather forecast'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "WELCOME_CARD": "Hello", "HELP_MESSAGE": "Hello my Queen, I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like 'say you are the fairest of them all' or 'find Snow White'. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like 'open compliments', or 'close weather forecast'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "HELP_CARD": "Help", "STOP_MESSAGE": "See you next time, my Queen!", "STOP_CARD": "Goodbye", "SHOW_TEXT": "Yes, my Queen. %s.", "SHOW_TEXT_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'display text of hello', or 'say you are the fairest of them all'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_TEXT_CARD": "Display Text", "SHOW_IMAGE": "Yes, my Queen, showing images of %s.", "SHOW_IMAGE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'find Snow White' or 'show me images of Bill Gates'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_IMAGE_CARD": "Show Image", "TURN_ON_MODULE": "Yes, my Queen, opening module %s.", "TURN_ON_MODULE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'open current weather' or 'turn on compliments'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "TURN_ON_MODULE_CARD": "Open Module", "TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES": "Yes, my Queen, opening all modules.", "TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES_CARD": "Open All Modules", "TURN_OFF_MODULE": "Yes, my Queen, closing module %s.", "TURN_OFF_MODULE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'close current weather' or 'turn off compliments'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "TURN_OFF_MODULE_CARD": "Close Module", "TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES": "Yes, my Queen, closing all modules.", "TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES_CARD": "Close All Modules", "SHOW_VIDEO": "Yes, my Queen, showing a video of %s.", "SHOW_VIDEO_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'find a video of Snow White' or 'show me a video of Bill Gates'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_VIDEO_CARD": "Play Video", "ERROR_CARD": "Error" } }, "en-GB": { "translation": { "WELCOME_MESSAGE": "Hello my Queen, what can I do for you? ", "WELCOME_REPROMPT": "I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like 'say you are the fairest of them all' or 'find Snow White'. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like 'open compliments', or 'close weather forecast'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "WELCOME_CARD": "Hello", "HELP_MESSAGE": "Hello my Queen, I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like 'say you are the fairest of them all' or 'find Snow White'. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like 'open compliments', or 'close weather forecast'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "HELP_CARD": "Help", "STOP_MESSAGE": "See you next time, my Queen!", "STOP_CARD": "Goodbye", "SHOW_TEXT": "Yes, my Queen. %s.", "SHOW_TEXT_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'display text of hello', or 'say you are the fairest of them all'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_TEXT_CARD": "Display Text", "SHOW_IMAGE": "Yes, my Queen, showing images of %s.", "SHOW_IMAGE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'find Snow White' or 'show me images of Bill Gates'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_IMAGE_CARD": "Show Image", "TURN_ON_MODULE": "Yes, my Queen, opening module %s.", "TURN_ON_MODULE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'open current weather' or 'turn on compliments'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "TURN_ON_MODULE_CARD": "Open Module", "TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES": "Yes, my Queen, opening all modules.", "TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES_CARD": "Open All Modules", "TURN_OFF_MODULE": "Yes, my Queen, closing module %s.", "TURN_OFF_MODULE_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'close current weather' or 'turn off compliments'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "TURN_OFF_MODULE_CARD": "Close Module", "TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES": "Yes, my Queen, closing all modules.", "TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES_CARD": "Close All Modules", "SHOW_VIDEO": "Yes, my Queen, showing a video of %s.", "SHOW_VIDEO_ERR": "Sorry, my Queen, I didn't get that. You can give me commands like 'find a video of Snow White' or 'show me a video of Bill Gates'. What can I do for you, my Queen?", "SHOW_VIDEO_CARD": "Play Video", "ERROR_CARD": "Error" } } }; var handlers = { 'LaunchRequest': function() { this.emit('SayHello'); }, 'MirrorMirrorHelloIntent': function() { this.emit('SayHello'); }, 'SayHello': function() { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("WELCOME_MESSAGE"), this.t("WELCOME_REPROMPT"), this.t("WELCOME_CARD"), this.t("WELCOME_MESSAGE") + this.t("WELCOME_REPROMPT")); }, 'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function() { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("HELP_MESSAGE"), this.t("HELP_MESSAGE"), this.t("HELP_CARD"), this.t("HELP_MESSAGE")); }, 'AMAZON.StopIntent': function() { this.emit('StopCommand'); }, 'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function() { this.emit('StopCommand'); }, 'StopCommand': function() { this.emit(':tellWithCard', this.t("STOP_MESSAGE"), this.t("STOP_CARD"), this.t("STOP_MESSAGE")); }, 'ShowTextIntent': function() { let displayText = this.event.request.intent.slots.displayText.value; if (displayText) { let alexa = this // Alexa voice/card response to invoke after text is published to AWS IoT successfully let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("SHOW_TEXT", displayText), alexa.t("SHOW_TEXT_CARD"), displayText) } // Send publish attempt to AWS IoT MirrorMirror.displayText(displayText, alexaEmit); } else { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("SHOW_TEXT_ERR"), this.t("SHOW_TEXT_ERR"), this.t("ERROR_CARD"), this.t("SHOW_TEXT_ERR")) } }, 'ShowImagesIntent': function() { let searchTerm = this.event.request.intent.slots.searchTerm.value; if (searchTerm) { let alexa = this // Search for images { // Only https urls are allowed for the Alexa cards let imageObj = { smallImageUrl: images[0].thumbnail.url, largeImageUrl: images[0].thumbnail.url }; let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("SHOW_IMAGE", searchTerm), alexa.t("SHOW_IMAGE_CARD"), searchTerm, imageObj) } // Send publish attempt to AWS IoT MirrorMirror.showImages(images, searchTerm, alexaEmit); }) } else { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("SHOW_IMAGE_ERR"), this.t("SHOW_IMAGE_ERR"), this.t("ERROR_CARD"), this.t("SHOW_IMAGE_ERR")) } }, 'TurnOnModuleIntent': function() { let moduleName = this.event.request.intent.slots.moduleName.value; if (moduleName) { let alexa = this let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("TURN_ON_MODULE", moduleName), alexa.t("TURN_ON_MODULE_CARD"), alexa.t("TURN_ON_MODULE", moduleName)) } // Send publish attempt to AWS IoT MirrorMirror.changeModule(moduleName, true, alexaEmit); } else { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("TURN_ON_MODULE_ERR"), this.t("TURN_ON_MODULE_ERR"), this.t("ERROR_CARD"), this.t("TURN_ON_MODULE_ERR")) } }, 'TurnOnAllModuleIntent': function() { let alexa = this let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES"), alexa.t("TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES_CARD"), alexa.t("TURN_ON_ALL_MODULES")) } MirrorMirror.changeModule('all_modules', true, alexaEmit); }, 'TurnOffModuleIntent': function() { let moduleName = this.event.request.intent.slots.moduleName.value; if (moduleName) { let alexa = this let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE", moduleName), alexa.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE_CARD"), alexa.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE", moduleName)) } // Send publish attempt to AWS IoT MirrorMirror.changeModule(moduleName, false, alexaEmit); } else { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE_ERR"), this.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE_ERR"), this.t("ERROR_CARD"), this.t("TURN_OFF_MODULE_ERR")) } }, 'TurnOffAllModuleIntent': function() { let alexa = this let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES"), alexa.t("TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES_CARD"), alexa.t("TURN_OFF_ALL_MODULES")) } MirrorMirror.changeModule('all_modules', false, alexaEmit); }, 'ShowVideoIntent': function() { let searchTerm = this.event.request.intent.slots.searchTermVideo.value; if (searchTerm) { let alexa = this // search for Youtube video, 1, function(error, result) { if (error) { console.log(error); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)); let imageObj = { smallImageUrl: result.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.default.url, largeImageUrl: result.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.high.url }; let alexaEmit = function() { alexa.emit(':tellWithCard', alexa.t("SHOW_VIDEO", searchTerm), alexa.t("SHOW_VIDEO_CARD"), searchTerm, imageObj) } // Send publish attempt to AWS IoT MirrorMirror.showVideo(result.items[0].id.videoId, searchTerm, alexaEmit); } }); } else { this.emit(':askWithCard', this.t("SHOW_VIDEO_ERR"), this.t("SHOW_VIDEO_ERR"), this.t("ERROR_CARD"), this.t("SHOW_VIDEO_ERR")) } }, 'Unhandled': function () { this.emit(':ask', 'Sorry I didnt understand that. Say help for assistance.'); } };
Remember to change the appId
As far as the “alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs” goes… it wont hurt to try i guess… but i remember i have gone before and “npm install” individually all those 4 most important dependencies listed on section 2 of instructions (granted that we had many other errors before that would have ruined anything good) but that made no difference than.
As far as hard coding the paths of certs in the mirrormirro.js file in the Skill before zipping it up…i have read it too that it should be done there also but it makes absolutely no sense to me. Because when the zip file gets unzipped in Lambda servers everything gets stored in “/var/task/…” (node_modules or etc etc directories) after /task/ so basically we are telling it to look at /pi/home/MirrorMirrorskill or whatever that does not exist. That does not exist in Lambda, unless it mirrors a mini Rpi server or whatever, but i doubt it because if you look at the other previous error logs the node_modules and its under diretories are now at /var/task/ not where we all have it locally respectively. However that syntax __dirname + “/certs/MagicMirror.private.key” in our case, means the directory stored plus the file name in nodejs as far as i can tell from a quick search since i do not know nodejs other than from here. So what i am trying to say it seems to me like its the right thing to have.
D -
I tried your index file and replaced my key but I still get errors from the lamda test. So strange!
I have to check more when I get home.
. -
This post is deleted! -
hey again!
I googled for some info abt this part in the index.js
let alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);
alexa.appId = appId;I found a site from 2018 7th march stating this:
alexa.appId = APP_ID;
so what do you think abt that?
so now I have exatly like you. My lamda functions are OK. I test my alexa skill. She answers “what can I do for you my queen”
I then ask to turn off all modules. And then square on, there is a pronlem with the skill response!!! GAAAAH!
when you ask for videon on how to make slime for example. can you check your cloudwatch?
is yours looking on youtube for video but then error on throwing it back to the mirror?
I have to check when i get home but i have been tired, long work hours and no patience left on me anymore lol but i feel optimistic like we are getting close like our keys are not matching now or the api
i will check and let you know -
Without testing anything new today …still at work. just from the old ones i went on google developer console where we got our api and cse key and i find absolutely no logs whatsoever the api and keys have never been used so they are not being hit by Alexa or the mirror the data tables have no data at all all clean and clear
so that means that there is no communication between them i will verify again once i get home if i am not to tired -
yes you are correct. I checked mine aswell, nothing.
interesting though, I cheked my IoT core and that has been hit 8 times sucessfully.
so that would mean that the connection kit we used to create the cert and woorks right?