Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-Remote-Control](v2-dev) Extensible REST API, Dynamic Menus, and Socket Communications, plus other updates
@bolish wait cannot remember if I am using perhaps the developer version, but line numbers are different.
Mine are 601 (on), 604 (off) and 607 (status).
This is what I did on my side :
if (["MONITORTOGGLE", "MONITORSTATUS", "MONITORON"].indexOf(action) !== -1) { screenStatus = exec(monitorStatusCommand, opts, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (stdout.indexOf("TV is off") !== -1 || stdout.indexOf("false") !== -1) { // REPLACE "TV is off" or "false" by "power status: standby" // Screen is OFF, turn it ON status = "off"; if (action === "MONITORTOGGLE" || action === "MONITORON") { exec(monitorOnCommand, opts, (error, stdout, stderr) => { this.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res, { monitor: "on" }); }); this.sendSocketNotification("USER_PRESENCE", true); return; } } else if (stdout.indexOf("HDMI") !== -1 || stdout.indexOf("true") !== -1) { // REPLACE "HDMI" OR "true" by "power status: on" // Screen is ON, turn it OFF status = "on"; if (action === "MONITORTOGGLE") { this.monitorControl("MONITOROFF", opts, res); return;
At least this is what worked for me.
@bolish what about the previous lines?
I thought that was the part to edit by replacing monitor commands with HDMI CEC ones like mines?
monitorControl: function(action, opts, res) { let status = "unknown"; let monitorOnCommand = (this.initialized && "monitorOnCommand" in this.thisConfig.customCommand) ? this.thisConfig.customCommand.monitorOnCommand : "echo on 0 | cec-client -s -d 1"; let monitorOffCommand = (this.initialized && "monitorOffCommand" in this.thisConfig.customCommand) ? this.thisConfig.customCommand.monitorOffCommand : "echo standby 0 | cec-client -s -d 1"; let monitorStatusCommand = (this.initialized && "monitorStatusCommand" in this.thisConfig.customCommand) ? this.thisConfig.customCommand.monitorStatusCommand : "echo pow 0 | cec-client -s -d 1";
No. From my understanding, you only need to modify the customcommands into your config file not in the node.js.
The one you mention into your post (extract of node.js) are the default ones, don’t modify them.
What you need to modify into node.js are the ouput conditions as I posted above because the way the node.js is written (and how it’s explained on git) those commands will only work if your ouput are :
customCommand: { monitorOnCommand: 'shell command to turn on your monitor', monitorOffCommand: 'shell command to turn off your monitor', monitorStatusCommand: 'shell command to return status of monitor, must return either "HDMI" or "true" if screen is on; or "TV is Off" or "false" if it is off to be recognized' }
That’s why we need to replace those conditions into the node.js by the one we get with our TV’s (which are different than the “true” / “flase” “TV is on” etc… but are “power status : stand by” and “power status: on”).
Clear now??
@bolish sorry, but it is quite hard to get the difference for me lol. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat:
Do you mind doing please a pastebin of your edited node_helper.js so that I can try it out?
Just replace related lines by the following ones (it’s approx. around line 610) into your node.js :
if (["MONITORTOGGLE", "MONITORSTATUS", "MONITORON"].indexOf(action) !== -1) { screenStatus = exec(monitorStatusCommand, opts, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (stdout.indexOf("power status: standby") !== -1 || stdout.indexOf("false") !== -1) { // MODIF DONE HERE // Screen is OFF, turn it ON status = "off"; if (action === "MONITORTOGGLE" || action === "MONITORON") { exec(monitorOnCommand, opts, (error, stdout, stderr) => { this.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res, { monitor: "on" }); }); this.sendSocketNotification("USER_PRESENCE", true); return; } } else if (stdout.indexOf("power status: on") !== -1 || stdout.indexOf("true") !== -1) { // MODIF DONE HERE // Screen is ON, turn it OFF status = "on"; if (action === "MONITORTOGGLE") { this.monitorControl("MONITOROFF", opts, res); return;
@bolish OK thanks now the TV can be turned off succesfully, but still can’t be turned on ( although I keep getting the
confirmation message ) . :thinking_face: -
@bolish OK something weird happened.
After let’s say 1 minute the TV turned ON by itself (can’t say really…) and there’s now no signal on the (proper) HDMI port.
I have the feeling the module is still sending monitor commands and NOT cec-utils package ones! :thinking_face:
@Cr4z33 indeed, strange, I will check my code this evening (I did it by “memory” since this morning…).
@bolish in addition to what I wrote in my last post I forgot that I actually have entered the custom commands in the module config section so it is twice weird as it should execute those commands.