Just got one of these today, kinda happy with it, especially as a bit of a beginner system!
FYI - if you want to programmatically change the brightness (as I’m seeing in older posts):
CAUTION - This worked for me, but involves enabling scary flags and setting potentially unsafe values to the monitor. Exercise caution.
Edit vi /boot/config.txt
Then sudo apt-get install ddcutil
Run sudo ddcutil detect
You should see an output like:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ddcutil detect
Display 1
I2C bus: /dev/i2c-2
EDID synopsis:
Mfg id: RTK
Model: RTK FHD
Serial number: [redacted]
Manufacture year: 2011
EDID version: 1.3
VCP version: 2.2
If you do, you can then run:
sudo ddcutil getvcp 10
to get the brightness
sudo ddcutil setvcp 10 [1-100]
to set the brightness, where 1-100 is the desired value of the brightness