I’m not as overly concerned with the finished product as I am about just figuring my way through some cool stuff on the way, so I’ll definitely give that a go, thanks.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: HTML or IFrame Scraping Help
HTML or IFrame Scraping Help
the short question
tl;dr I’m trying to figure out how to parse through and scrape values from a specific webpage and display within module (specifically, this page).the long question
My university has a webpage that displays current activity levels at all gyms on campus. I’m able to simply display the entire page using the IFrame module, but it’s messy and gives me a lot of data and structure that I don’t particularly need. Essentially, I’m trying to find a way to parse through the HTML and just grab the name of the facility and it’s associated value, and display it as a simple bar chart. I’m pretty well-versed in Java, but this is my first Javascript project, so I’d just appreciate some general direction on where to start/if it’s even possible.Thanks guys.