I want to have a 1 hour (minutes:seconds) countdown timer to show my young kids how much Tech Time they have left.
I have tweaked the http://flipclockjs.com/ countdown timer and created this html file
Cant seem to show the html code here - it just says DIV DIV and I cant attach a zip file. Will see if I can paste the code in the next reply.
This HTML file works if opened normally in the Web browser on the Pi, but when loaded via MMM-HTMLBox doesnt show anything.
I am sure I am missing one small thing, but after changing folder/subfolder locations, copying css and js files to MagicMirror locations etc I just cant get it to load in this module. Any advice would be greatly welcomed.
the config.js is configured like
module: "MMM-HTMLBox",
config: {
width: "100%",
height: "200px",
refresh_interval_sec: 0,
content: "There is nothing to display. <br>Put your HTML code into content field in 'config.js'.",
file: "base.html", //When content is too long, you can use this for external file. relative path from `MMM-HTMLBox`