I have this problem. The code below sends an alert to Socket Notify and other modules handle the notification.
sendNotification ‘result’
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) {
switch(notification) {
case "TEST":
console.log("notification : " + notification)
PythonShell.run('c://Users/user/Desktop/MagicMirror-master/modules/MMM-Testpython/FCF.py', null, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("sex" + result);
recived notification but the ‘split’ doesn’t work.
The log with the payload as a factor is well show. but Payload 3 is not show.
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) {
switch(notification) {
case "I_DID":
console.log("Socket recevied 1: " + payload);
var payload3;
console.log("Socket recevied 1: " + payload3);
var elemk = document.getElementById("showage");
var sex = payload3[0];
console.log("Socket recevied 1: " + sex);
var age = payload3[1];
console.log("Socket recevied 1: " + age);
var change;
if (sex == "Male"){
Why doesn’t the split work?