That pretty much did what I wanted, now I need to play with the actual text boldness a little. It’s kinda scrunched together.
See? I knew it was a super simple line of text. I was going freakin crazy man. I wanted to try to figure it out myself instead of asking because I learn better by trial and error but i was stuck. OK now I can work on figuring out how to input my location. The learning curve for a non programming type like me is pretty steep. I’m just a dumb mechanic. I’m used to physical hard labor! lol! I’m not used to actually having to using my brain heh heh. But hey, I’m an old dog learning new tricks so bring it on!
Thanks alot for that tip. I’m glad there is a support system in place like this. Actually I’ve found that all different type of hobbies have this type of support. It comes down to regular people who enjoy doing whatever it is they do, and want to help and encourage new guys. Thanks again brother. If you have any more tips, I’m all ears!