Hey there,
I’m so sorry to open a new Post on this Topic.
I literally tried everything but it doesn’t shows the Tagesschau video.
module: "MMM-Podcast",
module: "MMM-Button",
config: {
buttonPin: 6,
So I just changed the Pin to GPIO 6.
Wiring : Gpio 6 ( Pin 31 ) and Gnd
in the “pm2 logs mm” isn’t any entry when I press the Button.
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-GQuotes
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: newsfeed
0|mm | All module helpers loaded.
0|mm | Starting server on port 8080 ...
0|mm | Server started ...
0|mm | Connecting socket for: updatenotification
0|mm | Connecting socket for: calendar
0|mm | Starting node helper for: calendar
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-Podcast
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-Button
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-Fuel
0|mm | Starting module helper: MMM-Fuel
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-GQuotes
0|mm | Connecting socket for: newsfeed
0|mm | Starting module: newsfeed
0|mm | Sockets connected & modules started ...
0|mm | Launching application.
0|mm | libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
0|mm | MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
0|mm | MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
0|mm | Create new calendar fetcher for url: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/***
0|mm | Create new news fetcher for url: http://rss.sueddeutsche.de/rss/Topthemen - Interval: 300000
It seems like the Module is not even started.
If I put the Button on GPIO 5 ( Pin 29 ) like the Readme says my Pi freezes.
Maybe you guys have any suggestions.
Thank you so far.