Hi there

Same issue in my case. Apparently the API Key is running since I receive the data. If I use “npm run start:dev” I see the error takes place on (see the line with “HERE THE ERROR”) in the file MMM-AccuWeatherForecastDeluxe.js

processWeatherData: function() { console.log(this.name, 'processWeatherData', this.weatherData.Headline.Text); var summary = this.weatherData.Headline.Text;

//TODO: call hourly API
var hourlies = [];
if (this.config.showHourlyForecast) {

var displayCounter = 0; var currentIndex = this.config.hourlyForecastInterval; while (displayCounter < this.config.maxHourliesToShow) { HERE THE ERROR - if (this.weatherData.hourly[currentIndex] == null) { break; }


Any help on that will be really appreciated