@MMRIZE @sdetweil thanks for the help. I havent had a chance to play around with it on my set up but looks to be going in the right direction!
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Dynamic Font Colors
Dynamic Font Colors
I’m using MMM-GooglePhotos for revolving background images and depending on the color of the image show the font on modules displaying over the image can be hard to read.
I’ve been trying to get custom.css to handle this by using colorthief (https://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-thief/) to determine if the image is light or dark and to set a contrasting color palette.
I don’t have a lot experience with CSS/JS should this be doable?
Here is the code I have tried to date but the @import on the custom.css gets an error, “This page failed to load a stylesheet from a URL.”
This is currently aimed at MMM-CalendarExt3 which is most used for me./* custom.css code @import url('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/color-thief/2.3.2/color-thief.min.js'); body::after { content: ''; display: none; /* Ensure the external script is loaded before running the adaptiveFontColor.js script */ background-image: url('modules/MMM-GooglePhotos/adaptiveFontColor.js'); } // adaptiveFontColor.js function isColorDark(rgbColor) { const [r, g, b] = rgbColor; // Calculate luminance const luminance = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; return luminance < 128; } function applyAdaptiveFontColor(imageElement, targetElements) { const colorThief = new ColorThief(); const dominantColor = colorThief.getColor(imageElement); console.log('Dominant Color:', dominantColor); // Log the dominant color const isDark = isColorDark(dominantColor); const fontColor = isDark ? 'white' : 'black'; const textShadow = isDark ? '0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.8)' : '0 0 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'; console.log('Font Color:', fontColor); // Log the font color console.log('Text Shadow:', textShadow); // Log the text shadow targetElements.forEach(element => { element.style.color = fontColor; element.style.textShadow = textShadow; console.log('Applied styles to:', element); // Log the element being styled }); } function setupObserver(imageSelector, targetSelector) { const imageElement = document.querySelector(imageSelector); const targetElements = document.querySelectorAll(targetSelector); console.log('Image Element:', imageElement); // Log the image element console.log('Target Elements:', targetElements); // Log the target elements if (imageElement) { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { console.log('Mutation observed:', mutations); // Log mutations if (imageElement.complete) { applyAdaptiveFontColor(imageElement, targetElements); console.log('Image complete'); } else { imageElement.addEventListener('load', () => { applyAdaptiveFontColor(imageElement, targetElements); console.log('Image loaded'); }); } }); observer.observe(imageElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['src'] }); // Initial check in case the image is already loaded if (imageElement.complete) { applyAdaptiveFontColor(imageElement, targetElements); console.log('Initial image complete'); } else { imageElement.addEventListener('load', () => { applyAdaptiveFontColor(imageElement, targetElements); console.log('Initial image loaded'); }); } } else { console.log('Image element not found with selector:', imageSelector); } } // Wait for the document to load window.addEventListener('load', function() { console.log('Document loaded'); // Log document load event const imageSelector = '#GPHOTO_CURRENT'; // Updated selector for the image const targetSelector = '.CX3A .event .headline'; // Adjusted selector for calendar events setupObserver(imageSelector, targetSelector); });
Any help would be appreciated.