I got old version running.
Found an old image.
(I didn’t get that to work because SDCard extension/adapter didn’t accept all the cards)
But I don’t stop trying to get newer version to work.
@sdetweil Thank you for your help.
I got old version running.
Found an old image.
(I didn’t get that to work because SDCard extension/adapter didn’t accept all the cards)
But I don’t stop trying to get newer version to work.
@sdetweil Thank you for your help.
This was the exact thread I also looked.
Let’s see… crossing fingers
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “bleAdvWebSocket.py”, line 13, in
import websocket
ImportError: No module named websocket
I followed that path “/usr/share/local_blegateway/local_blegatewaykickstart.sh”
and looked inside of a file.
cd /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SensorGateway/gateway/
sudo /usr/bin/env python bleAdvWebSocket.py
then tried that “sudo /usr/bin/env python bleAdvWebSocket.py”
python: can’t open file ‘bleAdvWebSocket.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
@sdetweil Thanks for replying…
I should have wrote a note “how to” when I first time got it working.
(this time I’m going to do it, if/when…)
This is what should be expected:
–> you should expect seeing the packets routed:
Oct 16 19:45:40 raspberrypi local_blegatewaykickstart.sh[962]: {‘temp’: 22, ‘battery’: 0, ‘state’: 1, ‘packet’: 189, ‘MAC’: ‘0A:1C:1C:12:18:04’, ‘type’: ‘movesense’}
Oct 16 19:45:40 raspberrypi local_blegatewaykickstart.sh[962]: {‘acceleration’: 1003.0807544759296, ‘pressure’: 1008.86, ‘temperature’: 20.17, ‘acceleration_y’: -9, ‘acceleration_x’: -9, ‘battery’: 3043, ‘acceleration_z’: 1003, 'data_for
This is what I get:
About year ago I did had some issues with this module also, but I don’t recall it was this kind of.
Previously it was related to “sudo” (and SSL) If my memory serves me right. (guide said “blahblah-command” and it didn’t work, but when I added “sudo” before it, it started to work… but anyway, enough with the old stuff…
I’m not good with linux, but I manage with guide… sometimes though I get confused.
I’ll show you an example: (I’ll bold the confusing part)
Clone and configure module
Clone MMM-SensorGateway under modules in the MM2 platform as all 3rd party modules
run npm install in module’s directory to install websocket and exec modules.
Configuration (into config/config.js)
Install script for Gateway
run install script with root priviledges : MMM-SensorGateway $ sudo ./install.sh
This will install required bluetooth, Ruuvi and websocket related packages (see the script for details)
This will also setup an service that will kick in during RasPi boot-up
Expected final output
Why there is a websocket twice?
And why it installs python 2.7, do I need to install 2.7 when 3.9 is already preinstalled?
Another thing which is confusing me is: which guide I should follow or both?
or this
Am I making this more diffucult for me than necessary?
following problems are related to what I’ve mentioned above.
(cannot make ruuvitag -f command to work without alias…)
So please if some could guide me/explain what I’m doing wrong this time.
I would appreciate it greatly.
I’ll add installation log link.
https://we.tl/t-AS6hvNTvjt (wetransfer)
(and it’s not a problem that I’ve had few hours, I’ve been trying to solve it about a week now. ;))