Hi all, I’m a relative novice but have successfully built MM and upgraded it a couple of times. Recently, I recognized that Openweather wasn’t providing very accurate weather information, for either the current or the forecast. After switching to weathergov and figuring out the correct end points, I noticed an “Invalid date” error on the current weather. Note that I use the weather module for current and forecast weather for two different locations… I only receive the invalid date error for the first location.
I’ve searched the forums and see similar issues related to much earlier versions of MM. None of them seem to relate directly to this issue.
I use 24 hour military time and have specified that format for the clock module. Would that have any impact on how the weather module wants to interpret and display time? Would a “spring or summer” sunset time cause the issue? My config.js file is pasted below.
On an unrelated note… should I use boolean true and false values or place them in quotes?
Here’s a pic of the error:
How the heck can I upload my config.js file? Everything I try screws up the formatting so that it’s hard to read and troubleshoot.
Here’s the code for the weather with the invalid date error:
module: "weather",
position: "top_left",
classes: "daytime_scheduler",
config: {
weatherProvider: "weathergov",
type: "current",
degreeLabel: "true",
appendLocationNameToHeader: true,
apiBase: "https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/MFR/",
weatherEndpoint: "/forecast/hourly",
lat: "104", // "-122.63157",
lon: "44", //"41.72403",
Thanks in advance,