Just found your guide: https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/5274/how-to-manually-install-mm-on-your-pi-for-absolute-beginners
Going at it now and see if it works - thanks for the patience and writing that guide!
Just found your guide: https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/5274/how-to-manually-install-mm-on-your-pi-for-absolute-beginners
Going at it now and see if it works - thanks for the patience and writing that guide!
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
type: "forecast",
units: "metric",
roundTemp: "true",
degreeLabel: "true",
showPrecipitationProbability: "true",
colored: "true",
apiVersion: "3.0",
lat: "123.123123",
lon: "321.321312",
apiKey: "abcdefg",
That still results in no display of the weather module :/
Can you please write me the code? I am seriously going mental over “not having anything loading” to “no config file” to just partially loading things…
This is really frustrating when you got 0 clue about coding to not figure out where the heck the issue is… ._.
This code doesnt create a missing config file but doesnt load the module. If i just enter the weather module (without config) it loads but only shows the current weather, but i would like to get the forecast for my region with the current API Version which is apparently 3.0
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
type: "forecast",
units: "metric",
roundTemp: true,
degreeLabel: true,
showPrecipitationProbability: true,
colored: true,
apiVersion: 3.0,
lat: 123123,
lon: 312321,
apiKey: "asdasdasd123123asedasd123",
Just tried it with another pin (pin 20) and the results are completly different. So i am not sure what to make out of the infos i get from the script.
Gosh this is such a bummer that the sensor for some reason decided to quit…
Guess i will have to build in a switch or something to turn on the mirror for X minutes and use the existing script for it
Thanks for the links. I ran the 2nd script and it came back with constant “motion detected” and “motion stopped” while there was I wasnt moving.
Which is a bit strange as the only thing i did was reconnect the existing cable to pin 17… (the soldering came off)
Hello everyone,
I just repaired my connection of the PIR Sensor and the Pi. Doing so i thought this should be it and the sensor work again.
However: For some reason the Module is not working as intended.
Monitor being on for 20s when movement has been registered
Current behavior:
Either being ONLY when movement is detected or CONSTANTLY on
Status Quo:
The old code i have used and worked is as follows:
module: 'MMM-PIR-Sensor',
config: {
sensorPin: 14,
powerSaving: true,
OffDelay: 20000,
Doing so will have the monitor turned off instantly unless i move.
module: 'MMM-PIR-Sensor',
config: {
sensorPin: 14,
powerSaving: true,
powerSavingDelay: 15,
this code will have the MM on “forever” (well i havent been standing infront of the mirror for minutes… so i cant tell if forever…) at least not after 15s
I am a bit at a loss as to what has changed… i have not updated any modules or the MM… reconecting the pin 17 to the sensor was all I did…
Any help is highly appreciated
Hey Keyport - thanks for the reply.
I was just reeeeally confused since i had a connector on the first pins and that didnt make any sense.
I will def. get one of these boards for my new Mirror as that just makes it so much easier to wire it up and it looks clean!
Hello everyone,
I built my MM a couple of years ago and sadly have pulled out some pins from the Rasperberry Pi… I am now completly lost as to how to place them again…
Could someone help me figuring it out again?
The Yellow and Red one are for the Monitor itself - the Black one is for the motion sensor which, according to my config file, should be connected to the Pin 17. However the First pin row had a pin-top thing (the small black things you can slide over them).
Hey there,
so as of today the module is now working . I had to remove the API Version as you mentioned and that helped. However it took another day for the module to work… no clue why it didnt work right away (despite “reboot” and “pm2 restart”)…
I am currently now trying to figure out how to get one Module working as “current” or “day forecast” so i know what the day brings and another with the “forecast”.
I am assuming i need to do multiple modules to get that done?
Can you please write me the code? I am seriously going mental over “not having anything loading” to “no config file” to just partially loading things…
This is really frustrating when you got 0 clue about coding to not figure out where the heck the issue is… ._.
This code doesnt create a missing config file but doesnt load the module. If i just enter the weather module (without config) it loads but only shows the current weather, but i would like to get the forecast for my region with the current API Version which is apparently 3.0
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
type: "forecast",
units: "metric",
roundTemp: true,
degreeLabel: true,
showPrecipitationProbability: true,
colored: true,
apiVersion: 3.0,
lat: 123123,
lon: 312321,
apiKey: "asdasdasd123123asedasd123",
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
type: "forecast",
units: "metric",
roundTemp: "true",
degreeLabel: "true",
showPrecipitationProbability: "true",
colored: "true",
apiVersion: "3.0",
lat: "123.123123",
lon: "321.321312",
apiKey: "abcdefg",
That still results in no display of the weather module :/
@BKeyport That one comes up with “no config file found”
Since DarkSky API is discontinued i looked for a new module.
So i wanted to go for the standard weather module which however creates a config error.
Would someone be so kind and help me out if it is a code error or if i have to download/install the weather module?
module: "weather",
position: "top_right",
config: {
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
type: "forecast",
units: "metric",
roundTemp: "true",
degreeLabel: "true",
showPrecipitationProbability: "true",
colored: "true",
apiVersion: "3.0"
lat: "12.123123"
lon: "12.123123"
apiKey: "abcdefgh"