I am new to MM2. I have used MM with a standard distribution in the past. This time around I decided to try the MMOS for PI. As part of the install MMOS uses PM2 to start and restart MM. I am trying to configure my MM config, but I am having issues. I have reviewed many post but nothing mentioned seems to help. Ultimately I am trying to get to terminal, to make needed changes, but having the following issues.
First when I hit the ALT key to access the menu when I click one of the top level items after a fraction of a second the menu goes away and I have to hit the ALT key again, at which point when I click a top level item the menu goes away again.
Do to the above issue, I am attempting to use hotkeys instead of the menu to minimize MM to access terminal. I first hit F11 to get out of full screen, them hit CTRL-M to minimize MM at which point I get a black screen with a mouse cursor and nothing else. While I was typing this I left the black screen and eventually my monitor lost connect and I had to restart and MM start on boot.
I have tried Ctrl-Q but PM2 just restarts MM.
Any ideas or is there a way to stop PM2 from starting MM on boot?
Thanks for any help