Hey, I’m having trouble with my calendar. I have been able to colour multiple separate calendars to my liking. But I want to colour code our bin pickup schedule to reflect the bin colour. Is there an issue with using colours assigned to the calendar and the customEvent command together? Below is my config file for my calendars if anybody could review and tell me if I’m heading there right direction.
Thanks for your help!
module: "calendar",
config: {
maximumEntries: 10000,
displaySymbol: true,
wrapEvents: true,
maxTitleLines: 20,
colored: true,
calendars: [
/*Person Calendar*/
symbol: "fa-calendar-o",
url: '1111',
color: "#0080FF",
symbol: "fa-birthday-cake",
url: "2222",
color: "#FFFF80",
/*Car Maintenace*/
symbol: "fa-car",
URL: "3333",
color: "#8080C0",
/*Baby's Calendar*/
symbol: "fa-calendar-o",
url: "4444",
color: "#80FF80",
/*House Maintenance*/
symbol: "fa-home",
url: "55555",
color: "#8080C0",
/*Person 2 Claendar*/
symbol: "fa-calendar-o",
url: "6666",
color: "#FF4F4F",
/*Family Claendar*/
symbol: "fa-users",
url: "77777",
color: "#FF8040",
/*Black Bin Pickup*/
url: "8888"
customEvents: [
/*Black Bin*/
keyword: 'Black cart',
color: 'Black'
/*Blue Bin*/
keyword: 'Blue Cart - recycling',
color: 'Blue'
/*Green Bin*/
keyword: 'Green cart',
color: 'Green'
module: "MMM-MonthlyCalendar",
position: "bottom_bar",
config: {
mode: "twoweeks",
displaySymbol: true,
firstDayOfWeek: "sunday",
wrapTiles: true