How do I get this update notification off my screen? I updated the way it says to do it under calendarext3 module
How do I get this update notification off my screen? I updated the way it says to do it under calendarext3 module
Ok so it’s better to install the scheduler and then just do a complete shut down after with scheduled outlet timer ? Or do I just do the scheduler module and have only the monitor shut down with smart outlet . Thanks for clarifying
@MMRIZE oh that’s smart we have some of those ! Also what is CRON setup can you explain that?
Please give me ideas on how I can turn my system on and off without doing too much do you use motion sensing or what are simpler ways that I can make sure that the system is not continuously running and am able to turn it off each night. Thank you!
actually I didn’t realize it cant all be lowercase that part worked! Thanks! Now I just need to figure out my calendar down below to show more of the event.
@sdetweil I put it in multiple places but nothing is changing?
module: "calendar",
header: "D and M floors",
position: "middle",
config: {
broadcastPastEvents: true,
maxTitleLength: 50,
maximumnumberofdays: 1,
fade: false,
calendars: [
name: "holiday",
symbol: "heart",
maximumnumberofdays: 1,
fetchInterval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
url: "",
name: "FAMILY",
fetchInterval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
symbol: "plane",
url: "",
Im using calendar module and mmm-cal3
I think I am somewhat content with my board except for two issues I have is my list calendar is showing months ahead into January how do I only show this months events?
Also in the lower calendar board is there a way for the text inside the calendar cells to be written even if it goes outside of that date cell?
Please help! I’m ready to hook this up to the wall 😹
It’s a 32” screen tv monitor I wasn’t sure how to change the resolution
How can I get my two forcasts not to overlap? I would like one in the top right corner and the other below any help please ?
So I think I’m ok with the bottom calendar I just can’t figure out how to make the list to display for a month instead of all the way into January