If anyone in the comunity would like to give us a hand it would be GREAT!!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Profile Switcher - RC522 RFID
RE: Profile Switcher - RC522 RFID
@richland007 Hey there, i couldn’t get it working, i stepped from the project, im going to try again!
RE: Profile Switcher - RC522 RFID
It seams to be working i got it today and connected with some jumper cables to the raspberry pi.
I just now found this https://github.com/hebestreit/MMM-RFID/ later today i’ll try this method and see if it works :) -
Profile Switcher - RC522 RFID
Hey everyone! I’m new in the forum in magicmirror type projects amd i have very little programming skills, but i have successfully assembled a magic mirror and have in working know :)
I searched extensively to find a means to change profiles using a RC522 reader connected to a Raspberry pi 3 but have not fund nothing substancial :/ I see lots of applications with this format of identification with a simple swipe of a card and i would love some help !!!I know i can’t be the first one trying this out ;)