Hi, i’m having some problems with this too.
tokens and client ID are generated, and wanderlist appears on my mirror but non of this list content.
and when i run the curl command i get this.
{“error”:{“type”:“server_error”,“translation_key”:“api_error_unknown”,“message”:“An unknown server error occurred”,“authentication”:[“missing”]}}
i am a complete novice and just trying to follow instructions, but i’ve clearly messed up somewhere.
Access token and client id are taken as the values that are labelled just that.
heres what i have in my config.js ££££ have replaced numbers
module: 'MMM-Wunderlist',
position: 'left', // This can be any of the regions. Best results in left or right regions.
header: 'To Do', // This is optional
config: {
accessToken: '07ad3c20bb0500b£££££££££££££££££a759b6a7e07da2',
clientID: 'f1££££££££££££££££££1eb',
lists: ["Inbox"],
maximumEntries: '60',
interval: '1',
fade: 'true',
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
any help would be really appreciated.
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