OK so I have narrowed it down to the lamda function. The lamda it not working, something wrong with index file.
I have no idea how to correct it
OK so I have narrowed it down to the lamda function. The lamda it not working, something wrong with index file.
I have no idea how to correct it
OK so I have figuerd out some parts. If I make a test in the lamda and choose “Alexa start session”
I get a nice green log, So that means the alexa skill is fine However when I try some other test for the lamda itself I get an error like you.:
“version”: “1.0”,
“response”: {
“shouldEndSession”: false,
“outputSpeech”: {
“type”: “SSML”,
“ssml”: “ Hello my Queen, what can I do for you? ”
“reprompt”: {
“outputSpeech”: {
“type”: “SSML”,
“ssml”: “ I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like ‘say you are the fairest of them all’ or ‘find Snow White’. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like ‘open compliments’, or ‘close weather forecast’. What can I do for you, my Queen? ”
“card”: {
“type”: “Simple”,
“title”: “Hello”,
“content”: “Hello my Queen, what can I do for you? I can show you text and images, if you give me commands like ‘say you are the fairest of them all’ or ‘find Snow White’. I can also open or close a magic mirror module, if you say commands like ‘open compliments’, or ‘close weather forecast’. What can I do for you, my Queen?”
“sessionAttributes”: {},
“userAgent”: “ask-nodejs/1.0.25 Node/v6.10.3”
lambda test:
at AlexaRequestEmitter.HandleLambdaEvent (/var/task/node_modules/alexa-sdk/lib/alexa.js:112:38)
at AlexaRequestEmitter.value (/var/task/node_modules/alexa-sdk/lib/alexa.js:100:31)
at exports.handler (/var/task/index.js:37:11)
Yes I will make a list and tell step by step. I can see the Test buttom but witch test did you create ?
There are allot of different one to choose from when you create the test button. Please tell witch and I will try.
regards K
@richland007 Hey!
I will try write down all the steps I did and post it for you. How can I test the lamda function? could you direct me on howto? and I will post the log here aswell.
Yes! when I start the mirror I get the page “configure.js”
can you help me to get paste in the right module code?
If I put this into the config.js its not working either:
module: “MMM-AssistantMk2”,
position: “top_left”,
config: {}
what am I doing wrong?
Im also trying to get this to work. I have come that far that I can test the skill.
so when I type “on the wall” in the test, I get “what can I do for you my queen”
but if I then ask like “find video of how to make slime” it just tells me there is a problem with the skill. BUT, if I check the logs at clodwatch I can actually se that its looking for slime on youtube and find the videos, but then nothing on my mirror.
I have followd the MMM-AssistantMk2 guide and succefully build the module and installed everything. But I cannot figure out the last part. How to configure the mirrors configure.js
what parameters and what should I place there? If I just copy the whole thing from the example its not working. When I start the mirror it just tells me to configure it. Could someone please paste a code that works for me please so I can try this module out.
thanx in Advanced
I did paste this whole thing to my config.js
module: “MMM-AssistantMk2”,
position: “top_left”,
config: {
deviceModelId: “”, // (OPTIONAL for gaction)It should be described in your config.json
deviceInstanceId: “”, // (OPTIONAL for gaction)It should be described in your config.json
deviceLocation: { // (OPTIONAL)
coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device (rf. mygeoposition.com)
latitude: 51.5033640, // -90.0 - +90.0
longitude: -0.1276250, // -180.0 - +180.0
useScreen: true, // set this to true if you want to output results to a screen
//showed contents will be hidden when new conversation starts or ASSISTANT_STOP_CONTENT is comming.
screenZoom: "80%",
transcriptionHook: { //if you set hooking phrase here, this module will catch these words in your speech and emit ASSISTANT_HOOK notification.
"SCREEN_OFF" : "screen off",
"SCREEN_ON" : "screen on",
"REBOOT" : "reboot",
"SHUTDOWN" : "shut down",
"TEST" : "test"
youtube: {
use:true, //if you want to autoplay of youtube clip in responses of Assistance.
height: "480", //This is not real player size. It's for ideal player size for loading video. (related to video quality somehow.)
width: "854",
notifyPlaying: false, // tell other modules whether youtube is playing or not.
auth: {
keyFilePath: "./credentials.json"
audio: {
encodingIn: "LINEAR16", // supported are LINEAR16 / FLAC (defaults to LINEAR16)
sampleRateIn: 16000, // supported rates are between 16000-24000 (defaults to 16000)
encodingOut: "LINEAR16", // supported are LINEAR16 / MP3 / OPUS_IN_OGG (defaults to LINEAR16), currently only LINEAR16 is implemented to output, others are not yet. so use LINEAR16.
sampleRateOut: 24000, // supported are 16000 / 24000 (defaults to 24000)
defaultProfile: "default", // This default profile should be in `profiles` field.
profiles: {
"default" : {
profileFile: "default.json", //this path will be `~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2/profiles/default.json"
lang: "en-US"
//currently available (estimation, not all tested):
// de-DE, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, en-IN
// fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, es-ES, es-MX, ko-KR, pt-BR
// https://developers.google.com/assistant/sdk/reference/rpc/languages
/* You can use multi-profile for your family.
"kids" : {
profileFile: "jarvis.json",
lang: "de-DE"
"myself_korean" : {
profileFile: "default.json",
lang: "ko-KR"
record: {
sampleRate : 16000, // audio sample rate
threshold : 0.5, // silence threshold (rec only)
thresholdStart: null, // silence threshold to start recording, overrides threshold (rec only)
thresholdEnd : null, // silence threshold to end recording, overrides threshold (rec only)
silence : 1.0, // seconds of silence before ending
verbose : false, // log info to the console
recordProgram : "arecord", // Defaults to "arecord" - also supports "rec" and "sox"
device : null // recording device (e.g.: "plughw:1")