please this is graduate project and i just need to show the pages by voice in this module its said it can show pages with MMM-PAGE-SELECTOR
module: "MMM-Voice-Commands",
config: {
debug: true, //Displays end results and errors from annyang in the Log
autoStart: true, //Adds annyang commands when it first starts
activateCommand: "hello mirror", //Command to active all other commands
deactivateCommand: "goodbye mirror", //Command to deactivate all other commands
alertHeard: true, //Whether an alert should be shown when annyang hears a phrase (mostly for debug)
commands: {
"switch to (the) :page (page)": "PAGE_SELECT",
"go to (page) :page": "PAGE_SELECT",
please someone help me i dont know how to use annyang in this module and i dont know what to do :(