[image: 1632606428798-1bf646b4-94ef-4359-93ee-482ea0695851-image.png]
module: "MMM-CalendarExt2",
config: {
calendars: [
name: "Tottenham",
url: "https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ovb564thnod82u5c4njut98728%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics",
icon: "emojione:chicken"
name: "Leeds",
url: "https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/h2suh4c1iqvktk4olmfqtth4lg%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics",
icon: "emojione-v1:shield"
views: [
calendars: ["Tottenham", "Leeds"],
mode: "upcoming",
slotMaxHeight: "240px",
position: "top_right",
name: "MONTH",
calendars: ["Tottenham", "Leeds"],
mode: "month",
slotMaxHeight: "75px",
position: "bottom_bar"
scenes: [
name: "DEFAULT",
views: ["UPCOMING_GAME", "MONTH"],
More config options and CSS customizing are needed to display pretty, but anyway, you can understand the basic concept.
Calendars -> Views -> Secnes.
I was the original author of this module, but I ran away from this module’s maintenance, sorry. (I had bad days personally at that period)
I always thought this module has too much over-spec to use simply.
Due to the dying of dependency - momentJS’, this module would be archived anyway in near future. I have no idea whether I make alternative or equivalent at this moment.