Dear Sam,
I have exactly done what is written in your instructions.
The start date is shown correctly, but there are two issues left:
- with ‘showEnd: True’ I can see 23:59 for recurring events (not whole day) on my calendar. (With non recurring events, the end time is correct!)
- some dates for recurring events (whole day) are wrong.
I have prepared an ics-file and a screenshot of my MagicMirror Monitor for comparison.
The following dates are wrong:
3-weekly whole day - 22.Okt should be: 21.Okt
Weekly whole day - 26.Okt should be: 27.Okt
2-weekly whole day - 27.Okt should be: 28.Okt
Monthly whole day - 1.Nov should be 2.Nov
Weekly whole day - 2.Nov should be 3.Nov
Weekly whole day - 9.Nov should be 10.Nov
2-weekly whole day - 10.Nov should be 11.Nov
I have defined a test calendar, ich which all weeklys are planned for the same day, all 2-weeklys are planned for the same day, all 3-weeklys are planned for the same day. So you can easily see if these dates differ, there is a mistake…
Files and a MagicMirror picture are attached.
Thanks very much for your support!
![0_1601321066459_MagicMirror.JPG](Uploading 100%)
[0_1601321084756_myCalendar](Uploading 100%)