@cowboysdude @cowboysdude Hi mate, finally managed reinstall and that seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you.
Its strange though as I did uninstall and reinstall during troubleshooting so not sure what has changed since.
While i’m here, can i be cheeky and ask a favour please? The comic strip for Sunday is usually larger compared to the weekdays. Looking at the code, it looks like its supposed to scroll to reveal the rest of the strip. However, that doesnt happen. When i look at the dev window, i see the exact same errors which I posted above so there is something which is stopping scrolling from working. Attached screenshot which only shows the top part of the strip and the bottom is hidden. Any ideas please?
I have to mention that the scrolling for Sunday strip never actually worked even before the upgrade so not something new. As I said, im dont have coding experience so not sure how to fix that. Thanks.