Can I remove the "Album Name + Date stamp " that comes under the images ? I have only 1 Album.
Is there a way to put a neat frame (a white line) around the image with a some black space between the image and frame ?
Can I remove the "Album Name + Date stamp " that comes under the images ? I have only 1 Album.
Is there a way to put a neat frame (a white line) around the image with a some black space between the image and frame ?
I got MMM-Google-Photos to work for the 1st time. I got updateInterval set low - 2 mins . But the MM is not refreshing images from the folder where new images are added and some old images removed. Is there a way to force refresh on restart ?
Any thoughts ?
Something about the folder from where I issued the command. I think I was doing it from the wrong. Got it to work! Thank @sdetweil
Any thoughts on this error message setting up MMM-Google-Photos. What is the ‘moment’ module ?
/magicmirror/mounts/modules/MMM-GooglePhotos $ node generate_token
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module ‘moment’
Require stack:
Node.js v18.16.1