@a94marbo said in High CPU load of electron and MM freezes:
I have noticed that MM freezes some times and electron is consuming 70-80% of the CPU.
I think these are releted somehow.
I tried to reinstall dependancies with “git pull && npm install”everything goes fine until the end when I get
“npm WARN grunt-stylelint@0.10.1 requires a peer of stylelint@^9.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.”error message. Dont know if that is related to electron high CPU load.
Anyone recognize these errors?
Absolutely - I have 2 raspberry pis, freshly installed MMM on both and have these issues.
I am struggling around with an earlier electron version, activating the Open GL fkms driver, increasing GPU Mem size, increasing swap memory size but the problem prevails. This issues has been heavily discussed from what it seems about a year ago (this is where the “earlier version of electron” solution comes from), but nothing ever happened I guess.
e.g. see: