Thank very much, but it didn’t work.
the button definitely working outside MM (tested it with Python code).
Also, is it possible to start the MMM-imageslideshow as hidden?
Here is my config:
/* Magic Mirror Config Sample
* By Michael Teeuw
* MIT Licensed.
* For more information how you can configurate this file
* See
var config = {
address: "", // Address to listen on, can be:
// - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface
// - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface
// - "", "", "::" to listen on any interface
// Default, when address config is left out, is "localhost"
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: [], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses
// or add a specific IPv4 of :
// ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],
// or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format :
// ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],
language: "en",
timeFormat: 12,
units: "metric",
modules: [
module: 'MMM-ImageSlideshow',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
imagePaths: ['modules/MMM-ImageSlideshow/Images']
module: "alert",
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_bar"
module: 'helloworld',
position: 'top_bar', // This can be any of the regions.
classes: 'small bright',
config: {
text: 'The Modelevich family Magic Mirror, built by a very talented person!'
module: "clock",
position: "top_bar"
module: 'calendar',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
urgency: 0,
getRelative: 6,
fade: 'false',
timeFormat: 'absolute',
cssStyle: 'block', // block, clean, custom, (slate is for no mirror),
calendars: [
symbol: 'calendar-check-o ',
url: ''
url: ''
module: 'MMM-WunderGround', // Just for forecast w/css entry
position: 'top_right',
config: {
apikey: '', // private; don't share!
pws: 'pws:I', // Bentleigh East Weather Station - Very Cool
currentweather: 1,
coloricon: true,
hourly: '1',
fctext: '1',
fcdaycount: "7",
fcdaystart: "0",
hourlyinterval: "2",
hourlycount: "1",
animationSpeed: 5000,
alerttime: 10000,
alerttruncatestring: "english:",
roundTmpDecs: 0,
UseCardinals: 1,
fade: false,
layout: "vertical",
windunits: "mph",
sysstat: "0"
module: 'MMM-Traffic',
position: 'top_left',
classes: 'dimmed medium', //optional, default is 'bright medium', only applies to commute info not route_name
config: {
api_key: '',
mode: 'driving',
origin: '9 Tambet Street, Bentleigh east, Australia 3165',
destination: '96 Herbert Street, Northcote, Australia 3070',
arrival_time: '0900', //optional, but needs to be in 24 hour time if used.
route_name: 'Home to Work',
changeColor: true,
showGreen: false,
limitYellow: 5, //Greater than 5% of journey time due to traffic
limitRed: 20, //Greater than 20% of journey time due to traffic
traffic_model: 'best_guess',
interval: 60000, //2 minutes
showWeekend: true,
allTime: true,
width: '300px',
height: '300px'
module: 'MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
key: '',
lat: -37.7685637,
lng: 144.9943173,
height: '400px',
width: '550px',
zoom: 13,
disableDefaultUI: false
module: 'voicecontrol',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
models: [
keyword: "Show Camera",
description: "Say 'Show Camera' to display camera",
file: "showCamera.pmdl",
message: "SHOW_CAMERA"
keyword: "Hide Camera",
description: "Say 'Hide Camera' to hide camera",
file: "hideCamera.pmdl",
message: "HIDE_CAMERA"
keyword: "Selfie",
description: "Say 'Selfie' when camera is visible",
file: "selfie.pmdl",
message: "SELFIE"
module: 'camera',
position: 'fullscreen_above',
config: {
selfieInterval: 3, // Time interval in seconds before the photo will be taken.
emailConfig: {
service: 'gamil', // Email provider to use to send email with a photo.
auth: {
module: "compliments",
position: "lower_third"
module: 'newsfeed',
position: 'bottom_bar',
config: {
feeds: [
title: "The Age",
url: "",
title: "Sport",
url: ""
showSourceTitle: true,
showPublishDate: true
module: 'MMM-Buttons',
config: {
maxShortPressTime: 1000,
buttons: [
pin: 18,
name: "MMM-ImageSlideshow",
shortPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {
action: "HIDE",
module: "module_0_MMM-ImageSlideshow"
longPress: {
notification: "REMOTE_ACTION",
payload: {
action: "SHOW",
module: "module_0_MMM-ImageSlideshow"
module: 'MMM-Remote-Control',
position: 'bottom_right'
/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}